We recently had a "celebrity item auction" at Timber Lake Playhouse. We sent letters to more than 1,200 actors, athletes, artists and other celebrities asking for donations and heard from almost 200 of them. Below is a list of the addresses we used. Because these people seem to move on a regular basis, some of the addresses may no longer be current. If the zip code is 00001 that means that this is definitely a bad address since mail was returned. This was a Word Perfect 5.1 mailmerge file; we wrote personalized letters to all of these people. The second "field" was used as the salutation on each letter.
Kareem Abdul-Jabar 1436 Summitridge Dr Beverly Hills CA 90201 Mr. Abdul-Jabar Paula Adbul 14046 Aubrey Rd Beverly Hills CA 90201 Ms Abdul Aerosmith PO Box 4668 San Francisco CA 94101 Members of Aerosmith Andre Agassi 6739 Tara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 Mr. Agassi Spiro T Agnew 78 Columbia Dr Rancho Mirage CA 892270 Mr. Agnew Danny Aiello 4 Thornhill Dr Ramsey NJ 07446 Mr. Aiello Troy Aikman c/o Dallas Cowboys 1 Cowboys Pkwy Irving TX 75063 Mr. Aikman Dan Aykroyd 7708 Woodrow Wilson Dr Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. Aykroyd Alabama PO Box 529 Ft Payne AL 35967 Members of Alabama Alan Alda c/o Martin Bregman Productions 641 Lexington Ave #1400 New York NY 10022 Mr. Alda Edwin E Aldrin c/o NASA 400 Maryland Ave SW Washington DC 20202 Mr. Aldrin Jason Alexander 6230 Wilshire Blvd #A-103 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mr. Alexander Muhammad Ali PO Box 187 Berrien Springs MI 49103 Mr. Ali Steve Allen 15201 Burbank Blvd #B Van Nuys CA 91411 Mr. Allen Tim Allen 7461 Beverly Road #400 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Mr. Allen Woody Allen 930 Fifth Ave New York NY 10021 Mr. Allen Maria Conchita Alonso PO Box 537 Beverly Hills CA 90213 Ms. Alonso John Amos PO Box 587 Califon NJ 07830 Mr. Amos Gillian Anderson c/o Beth Cannon Co 10390 Santa Monica Blvd #30 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ms. Anderson Louie Anderson 8033 Sunset Blvd #605 Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. Anderson Richard Dean Anderson 132 S Rodeo Dr #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Anderson Harry Anderson c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Anderson Brad Anderson c/o Brad Anderson Enterprises 2356 1st Ave LaVErne CA 91750 Mr. Anderson Mario Andretti 53 Victory Ln Nazareth PA 18064 Mr. Andretti Michael Andretti 505 E Eulia Ave Compton CA 90224 Mr. Andretti Julie Andrews PO Box 666 Beverly Hills CA 90213 Ms. Andrews Maya Angelou c/o Wake Forest University American Studies Dept. Winston-Salem NC 27109 Ms. Angelou Ann-Margret 2707 Benedict Canyon Rd Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ma'am Christina Applegate c/o Tami Lynn 4527 Park Allegra Calabasas CA 91302 Ms. Applegate Sergio Aragones c/o Mad Magazine 485 Madison Ave New York NY 10022 Mr. Aragones Anne Archer 13201 Old Oak Ln Los Angeles CA 90049 Ms. Archer Bess Armstrong c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms Armstrong Neil Armstrong c/o CTA Inc PO Box 436 Rt 123 Lebanon OH 45036 Mr. Armstrong James Arness 176 Granville Ave Los Angeles CA 90049 Mr. Arness Roseanne Arnold c/o Scotti Bros 2114 Pico Blvd Santa Monica CA 90405 Ms Arnold Patricia Arquette c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshier Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Arquette Rosanna Arquette 1201 N Alta Loma Rd Los Angeles CA 90069 Ms. Arquette Bea Arthur 2000 Old Ranch Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Arthur Evelyn Ashford 8181 Plantation Ln Walnut CA 91789 Ms. Ashford John Astin c/o Light Co 1148 4th St #116 Santa Monica CA 90403 Mr. Astin Sean Astin 5438 Norwich Ave Van Nuys CA 914411 Mr. Astin Doug Atkins PO Box 14007 Knoxville TN 37914 Mr. Atkins Margaret Atwood 73 Sullivan St Toronto ON M5T CANADA Ms. Atwood Rene Auberjonois 448 S Arden Blvd Los Angeles CA 90020 Mr. Auberjonois Margaret Avery 2807 Pelham Pl Los Angeles CA 90068 Ms. Avery Steve Avery 22128 Haig Taylor MI 00001 Mr. Avery Paul Azinger 3001 Wilderness Blvd E Parrish FL 34219 Mr. Azinger Barbara Babcock c/o Paradigm Agency 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2500 Los Angeles CA 90067 Ms. Babcock Tai Babilonia 13889 Valley Vista Blvd Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Ms. Babilonia Lauren Bacall c/o Dakota Hotel 1 W 72nd St #43 New York NY 10023 Ms. Bacall Barbara Bach LaRocca Bella 14 Ave Princess Grace Monte Carlo Monaco Ms. Bach Burt Bacharach 10 Ocean Park Blvd #4 Santa Monica CA 90405 Mr. Bacharach Kevin Bacon c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Bacon Joan Baez c/o Diamond and Rust Productions PO Box 1026 Menlo Park CA 94026 Ms. Baez Matt Bahr 53 Parkridge Ln Pittsburgh PA 15228 M. Bahr F Lee Bailey 1400 Centre Park #909 West Palm Beach FL 33401 Mr. Bailey Scott Baio 4333 Forman Ave Toluca Lake CA 91602 Mr. Baio Michael Baker c/o NASA Johnson Space Center 2102 NASA Rd Houston TX 77058 Mr. Baker Anita Baker c/o BNB Assoc 345 N Maple Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Baker Ralph Bakshi c/o Gang Tyre Ramer Brown 6400 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles CA 90028 Mr. Bakshi Scott Bakula c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Bakula Alec Baldwin c/o Wolfe Kasteller 132 S Rodeo Dr #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Baldwin William Baldwin c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Baldwin Robert Ballard c/o Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Woods Hole MA 02543 Mr. Ballard Martin Balsam c/o Marshak-Wycoff Assoc 280 S Beverly Dr #400 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Balsam George Bamberger 455 N Bath Club Blvd North Redington Beach FL 33720 Mr. Bamberger Anne Bancroft 2301 LaMesa Dr Santa Monica CA 90402 Ms. Bancroft Antonio Banderas 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Banderas Ernie Banks 10660 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90024 Mr. Banks Chip Banks c/o Indianapolis Colts 7001 W 56th St Indianapolis IN 00001 Mr. Banks Carl Banks c/o Washington Redskins 21300 Redskin Park Dr Ashburn VA 00001 Mr. Banks Floyd Bannister 6701 Caball Dr Paradise Valley AZ 85253 Mr. Bannister Joseph Barbera c/o Hanna-Barbera Productions 3400 W Cahuenga Blvd Los Angeles CA 90068 Mr. Barbera Clive Barker c/o Harper & Row Publishers 10 E 53rd St New York NY 10022 Mr. Barker Bob Barker c/o Goodson Productions 5750 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036 Mr.Barker Ellen Barkin c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Barkin Charles Barkley 10 Greenway Plaza E Houston TX 77046 Mr. Barkley Charles Barkley c/o Phoenix Suns 201 E Jefferson ST Phoenix AZ 85004 Mr. Barkley Erich Barnes 255 W 95th St New York NY 10024 Mr. Barnes Joanna Barnes c/o Progressive Artists Agency 400 S Beverly Dr #216 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Barnes Jim Barnett 7 Kittiwake Rd Orinda CA 94563 Mr. Barnett Julia Barr c/o St Laurent Assoc Cherokee Station PO Box 20191 New York NY 10028 Ms. Barr Doug Barr 515 S Irving Blvd Los Angeles CA 90020 Mr. Barr Steve Barr PO Box 395 Mt Laurel NJ 08054 Mr. Barr Tom Barrasso c/o Pittsburgh Penguins Civic Arena Centre Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 Mr. Barrasso Majel Barrett c/o 20th Century Artists 15315 Magnolia Blvd #429 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ms. Barrett Barbara Barrie 15 W 72nd St #2-A New York NY 10023 Ms. Barrie Dave Barry c/o Miami Herald Editorial Dept 1 Herald Plaza Miami FL 33132 Mr. Barry Sy Barry 34 Saratoga Dr Jericho NY 11753 Mr. Barry Drew Barrymore 612 N Sepulveda Blvd #10 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Barrymore Peter Barton 2265 Westwood Blvd #2619 Los Angeles CA 90064 Mr. Burton Mikhail Baryshnikov c/o American Ballet Theater 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003 Mr. Baryshnikov Kim Basinger c/o PMK Public Relations 955 S Carillo Dr #200 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Ms. Basinger Brian Bassett c/o Seattle Times Editorial Dept Fairview N & Johns ST Seattle WA 98111 Mr. Bassett Angela Bassett c/o Ambrosio/Mortimer Asso 9150 Wilshire Blvd #175 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Bassett Justine Bateman 11288 Ventura Blvd #190 Studio City CA 91604 Ms. Bateman Kathy Bates c/o Susan Smith Assoc 121 N San Vicente Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Bates Hank Bauer 12705 W 108th St Overland Park KS 66210 Ms. Bauer Sammy Baugh General Delivery Rotan TX 79546 Mr. Baugh Meredith Baxter c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Baxter Jennifer Beals 335 Maple Dr #250 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Beals Gene Bearden PO Box 176 Helena AR 72342 Mr. Bearden Amanda Bearse 15332 Antioch St #143 Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Ms. Bearse Allyce Beasley 147 N Windsor Blvd Los Angeles CA 90004 Ms. Beasley Ned Beatty 2706 N Beachwood DR Los Angeles CA 90068 Ms. Beatty Warren Beatty 13671 Mulholland Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Beatty Barry Beck c/o New York Rangers 4 Pennsylvania Plaza New York NY 10001 Mr. Beck Michael Beck c/o Innovative Artists 1999 Ave of Stars #2850 Los Angeles CA 90067 Mr. Beck Boris Becker LaRocca Bella 24 Ave Princess Grace Monte Carlo Monaco Mr. Becker Bonnie Bedelia 1021 Georgina Ave Santa Monica CA 90402 Ms. Bedelia Geoffrey Beene c/o Geoffrey Beene Inc 550 7th Ave New York NY 00001 Mr. Beene Ed Begley-Jr 3850 Mound View Ave Studio City CA 91604 Mr. Begley Harry Belafonte 300 West End Ave New York NY 10023 Mr. Belafonte Shari Belafonte 3546 Longridge Ave Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Ms. Belafonte Mark Belanger 2028 Pot Spring Rd Timonium MD 21093 Mr. Belanger Bill Belchick c/o Cleveland Browns 80 1st Ave Berea OH 44017 Mr. Belchick Bobby Bell 208 Shagbark Lees Summit MO 64064 Mr. Bell James Belushi c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Belushi Pat Benatar c/o Siddons Assoc 14930 Ventura Blvd #205 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ms. Benatar Johnny Bench 661 Reisling Knoll Cincinnati OH 45226 Mr. Bench Peter Benchley 35 Boudinot St Princeton NJ 08540 Mr. Benchley Benoit Benjamin c/o New Jersey Nets Byrne Meadowlands Arena East Rutherford NJ 07073 Mr. Benjamin Tony Bennett c/o Tony Bennett Enterprises 130 W 5th St Apt 9-D New York NY 10019-3311 Mr. Bennett Cornelius Bennett c/o Buffalo Bills 1 Bills Dr Orchard Park NY 14127 Mr Bennett Annette Benning 13671 Mulholland Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms Benning Joan Benoit-Samuelson 95 Lower Flying Point Rd Freeport ME 04032 Ms Benoit Samuelson Robby Benson PO Box 1305 Woodland Hills CA 91364 Mr. Benson Tom Berenger 853 7th Ave #9-A New York NY 10019 Mr. Berenger Candice Bergen 222 Central Park S New York NY 10019 Ms. Bergen Peter Bergman 4799 White Oak Ave Encino CA 91316 Mr. Bergman Milton Berle 10750 Wilshire Blvd #1003 Los Angeles CA 90024 Mr. Berle Chris Berman c/o ESPN-TV Sports ESPN Plaza Bristol CT 06010 Mr. Berman Sandra Bernhard c/o Levine/Schneider 433 N Camden Ave Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Bernhard Corbin Bernsen 3500 W Olive #920 Burbank CA 91505 Mr. Bernsen Yogi Berra 19 Highland Ave Montclair NJ 07042 Mr. Berra Jim Berry c/o NEA Syndicate 200 Park Ave New York NY 00001 Mr. Berry Walter Berry c/o Houston Rockets Summit, Greenway Plaza #10 Houston TX 77277 Mr. Berry Halle Berry c/o Crative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Berry Chuck Berry Berry Park 691 Buckner RD Wentzville MO 63385 Mr. Berry Bill Berry c/o REM/Athens Ltd 250 W Clayton St Athens GA 30601 Mr. Berry Valerie Bertinelli PO Box 1984 Studio City CA 91614 Ms. Bertinelli James Best 2166 Canyon Dr Los Angeles CA 90068 Mr. Best Pete Best 8 Hymans Green West Derby Liverpool 12 England Mr. Best Mayim Bialik 1438 N Glower St #13 Los Angeles CA 90028 Ms. Bialik Peter Billingsley 1115 N Larrabee #302 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Billingsley Barbara Billingsley 23006 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu CA 90265 Ms. Billingsley Matt Biondi c/o Nicholas A Biondi 1404 Rimmer Dr Moraza CA 94556 Mr. Biondi Larry Bird 6278 N Federal Highway #296 Fort Lauderdale FL 33308 Mr.Bird Jacqueline Bisset 1815 Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Bisset Karen Black c/o Marshak-Wycoff Assoc 280 S Beverly Dr #400 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Black Shirley Temple Black 115 Lakeview Dr Woodside CA 94062 Ms. Black Clint Black PO Box 299386 Houston TX 77299 Mr. Black Bennie Blades c/o Detroit Lions Silverdome 1200 Featherstone Rd Pontiac MI 48342 Mr. Blades Ruben Blades 1234 1/2 N Crescent Heights Los Angeles CA 90046 Mr. Blades Bonnie Blair 1907 W Springfield Champaign IL 61821 Mr. Blair Linda Blair 4165 Kraft Ave Studio City CA 91604 Ms. Blair Bud Blake PO Box 146 Damariscotta ME 04543 Mr. Blake Susan Blakely 1829 Franklin Canyon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Blakely George Blanda 78001 Lago Dr LaQuinta CA 92253 Mr. Blanda Bill Blass c/o Bill Blass Ltd 550 7th Ave New York NY 10018 Mr. Blass William Peter Blatty 5841 Round Meadow RD Woodland Hills CA 91302 Mr.Blatty Tempestt Bledsoe PO Box 7217 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Bledsoe Rocky Bleier c/o Rocky Bleier Enterprises 580 Squaw Run Rd E Pittsburgh PA 15238 Mr. Bleier Judy Blume c/o Harold Ober Assoc 425 Madison Ave New York, NY 10017 Ms. Blume Steve Bochco 10201 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 Mr. Bochco Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Pl Tampa FL 33647 Mr. Boggs Tyrone "Mugsy" Bogues c/o Charlotte Hornets 1 Hive Dr Charlotte NC 28217 Mr. Bogues Brian Boitano 101 First St #370 Los Altos CA 94022 Mr. Boitano Michael Bolton c/o Louis Levin Mgmt 130 W 57th St #10-B New York, NY 10019 Mr. Bolton Jon Bon-Jovi c/o Polygram Records Worldwide Plaza 825 8th Ave New York NY 10019 Mr. Bon Jovi Danny Bonaduce 875 N Michigan Ave #3750 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Bonaduce Barry Bonds c/o San Francisco Giants Candlestick Park San Francisco CA 94124 Mr. Bonds Bobby Bonds 175 Lyndhurst San Carlos CA 94070 Mr. Bonds Lisa Bonet 1551 Will Geer Road Topanga CA 90290 Ms. Bonet Bobby Bonilla 2418 98th St NW Bradenton FL 34209 Mr. Bonilla Sonny Bono c/o Bono's Restaurant 1700 N Indian Ave Palm Springs CA 92262 Mr. Bono Pat Boone 904 N Beverly Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Boone Elayne Boosler 11061 Wrightwood Ln North Hollywood CA 91604 Ms. Boosler Elayne Boosler 11061 Wrightwood Lane North Hollywood CA 91604 Ms. Boosler Bjorn Borg c/o International Management Group 1 Erieview Plaza #1300 Cleveland OH 44144 Mr. Borg Victor Borge Field Point Park Greenwich CT 06830 Mr. Borge Ernest Borgnine 3055 Lake Glen Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Borgnine Tom Bosley c/o Burton Moss Agency 8827 Beverly Blvd #L Los Angeles CA 90048 Mr.Bosley Jeff Bostic 1311 Westridge Rd Greensboro NC 27410 Mr. Bostic Keith Bostic c/o Indianapolis Colts 7001 W 56th St Indianapolis IN 46254 Mr. Bostic Barry Bostwick 2770 Hutton Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Bostwick Brian Bosworth 230 Park Ave #527 New York NY 10169 Mr. Bosworth Timothy Bottoms 532 Hot Springs Rd Santa Barbara CA 93108 Mr. Bottoms Ray Bourque c/o Boston Bruins Boston Garden 150 Causeway St Boston MA 02114 Mr. Bourque Riddick Bowe c/o Media Plus Services PO Box 6133 Arlington VA 22206 Mr. Bowe David Bowie c/o Isolar Entertainment 641 5th Ave #22-Q New York NY 10022 Mr. Bowie Bruce Boxleitner 24500 John Colter Rd Hidden Hills CA 91302 Mr. Boxleitner Peter Boyle c/o International Creative Mgmt 40 W 57th St New York NY 10019 Mr. Boyle Lorraine Bracco 110 Hudson St #9-A New York NY 10013 Mr. Bracco Ray Bradbury 10265 Cheviot Dr Los Angeles CA 90064 Mr. Bradbury Terry Bradshaw 8911 Shady Lane Dr Shreveport LA 71118 Mr. Bradshaw Sonia Braga 295 Greenwich St #11-B New York NY 10007 Mr. Braga Marlon Brando c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Brando Eileen Brennan 974 Mission Terrace Camarillo CA 93010 Ms. Brennan George Brett PO Box 419969 Kansas City MO 64141 Mr. Brett Lloyd Bridges c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Bridges Jeff Bridges 11661 San Vicente Blvd #910 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Bridges Beau Bridges c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills 90212 Mr. Bridges Wilfred Brimley c/o Artists Agency 10000 Santa Monica Blvd #305 Los Angeles CA 90067 Mr. Brimley Christie Brinkley c/o Ford Modeling Agency 344 E 59th St New York NY 10022 Ms. Brinkley David Brinkley c/o ABC-TV News Dept 1717 De Sales ST NW Washington DC 20036 Mr. Brinkley Stan Brock 16160 SW Farmington Rd St Louis MO 63146 Mr. Brock Matthew Broderick c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Broderick Tom Brokaw 941 Park Ave #14-C New York NY 10028 Mr. Brokaw Josh Brolin c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Brolin James Brolin 2401 Colorado Ave #160 Santa Monica CA 90404 Mr. Brolin Charles Bronson PO Box 2644 Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Bronson James Brooks 10380 Tennessee Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064 Mr. Brooks Kix Brooks c/o Bob Titley Entertainments 706 18th Ave S Nashville TN 37203 Mr. Brooks Hubie Brooks 15001 Olive ST Hesperia CA 92345 Mr. Brooks Mel Brooks 2301 La Mesa Dr Santa Monica CA 90402 Mr. Brooks Garth Brooks c/o Doyle/Lewis Mgmt 1109 17th Ave S Nashville TN 37212 Mr. Brooks Avery Brooks c/o Lynn Coles Productions PO Box 93-1198 Los Angeles, CA 90093 Mr. Brooks Albert Brooks c/o Scotti Bros 2114 Pico Blvd Santa Monica CA 90405 Mr. Brooks Pierce Brosnan PO Box 9851 Glendale CA 91226 Mr. Brosnan Joyce Brothers 1530 Palisades Ave Fort Lee NJ 07024 Ms. Brothers James Brown c/o Brothers Mgmt 141 Dunbar Ave Fords NJ 08863 Mr. Brown Julie Brown 11288 Ventura Blvd #728 Studio City CA 91604 Ms. Brown Bobby Brown c/o MCA Records 1755 Broadway New York NY 10019 Mr. Brown Larry Brown c/o Indiana Pacers Market Square Arena 300 E Market St Indianapolis IN 46204 Mr. Brown Lomas Brown c/o Detroit Lions Silverdome 1200 Featherstone Rd Pontiac MI 48342 Mr. Brown Tim Brown c/o Oakland Raiders 1220 Harbor Bay Pkway Alameda CA 94502 Mr. Brown Kurt Browning c/o Royal Glenora Club 11160 River Valley Rd Edmonton ON T5J 2G7 Canada Mr. Browning Dave Brubeck 221 Millstone Rd Wilton CT 06897 Mr. Brubeck Carol Bruce 1361 N Laurel Ave #20 Los Angeles CA 90046 Ms. Bruce Ian Buchanan 345 N Maple DR #183 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Buchanan Jensen Buchanan c/o Another World NBC-TV 1268 E 14th St Brooklyn NY 11230 Ms. Buchanan Jimmy Buffet c/o HK Mgmt 80 Universal City Plaza 401 Universal City CA 91608 Mr. Buffet Warren Buffet c/o Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1440 Kiewit Plaza Omaha NE 68131 Mr. Buffet Richard Bull 750 N Rush St #3401 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Bull Sandra Bullock 291 S LaCienega Blvd #616 Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Bullock Gary Burghoff c/o Reg Gordy Productions 9911 W Pico Blvd #1200 Los Angeles CA 90035 Mr. Burghoff Carol Burnett 7800 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036-2165 Ms. Burnett Tim Burton 1041 N Formosa Ave #10 Los Angeles CA 90046 Mr. Burton LeVar Burton c/o Peaceful Warrior Productions 13601 Ventura Blvd #209 Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Mr.Burton Timothy Busfield 2416 "G" St #D Sacramento CA 95816 Mr. Busfield Barbara Bush 9 West Dr Houston TX 77056 Ms. Bush George Bush 9 West Dr Houston TX 77056 Mr. Bush Ruth Buzzi c/o Artists Group 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2490 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Buzzi John Byrne c/o DC Comics 355 Lexington Ave New York NY 00001 Mr. Byrne Gabriel Byrne c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Gabriel James Caan 1435 Stone Canyon Rd Los Angeles, CA 90077 MR. Caan Nicholas Cage c/o Brillstein Co 9150 Wilshire Blvd 350 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Cage Hector Camacho 4751 Yardarm Lane Boynton Beach FL 33436 Mr. Comacho Kirk Cameron 3701 W Oak St Burbank CA 91505 Mr. Cameron Glen Campbell 3500 E Lincoln Dr #6 Phoenix AZ 85018 Mr. Campbell Naomi Campbell c/o Women Inc 107 Green St New York, NY 10012 Ms. Campbell Kate Capshaw PO Box 869 Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Ms. Capshaw Drew Carey c/o Agency for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Carey Mariah Carey c/o Horizon Ent 421 W 54th St #5 New York, NY 10019 Ms. Carey George Carlin c/o Carlin Productions 901 Bringham Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Carlin Belinda Carlisle 1843 Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Carlisle Art Carney 143 Kingfisher Ln Westbrook CT 06498 Mr. Carney Richard Carpenter PO Box 1084 Downey CA 90240 Mr. Carpenter Antoine Carr c/o San Antonio Spurs 600 E Market St #102 San Antonio TX 78205 Mr. Carr David Carradine c/o The Agency 10351 Santa Monica Blvd #211 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Carradine Tia Carrere 816 N LaCienga Blvd #8638 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms. Carrere Jim Carrey c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Carrey Johnny Carson 6962 Wildlife Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Carson Jimmy Carter c/o Carter Presidential Center 1 Copenhill Atlanta GA 30307 Mr. Carter Dana Carvey 775 E Blithedale Ave #501 Mill Valley CA 94941 Mr. Carvey Johnny Cash 711 Summerfield Dr Hendersonville TN 37075 Mr. Cash Tony Casillas c/o Dallas Cowboys 1 Cowboy Pkwy Irving TX 75063 Mr. Casillas Phoebe Cate c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Cate Dick Cavett 2200 Fletcher Ave Fort Lee NJ 07024 Mr. Cavett Peter Cetera c/o Famous Artists Agency 1700 Broadway #500 New York, NY 10021 Mr. Cetera Ron Cey 22714 Creole Rd Woodland Hills CA 91364 Mr. Cey Wilt Chamberlain c/o Seymour Goldberg 1111 SAnta Monica Blvd #1000 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Chamberlain Michael Chang PO Box 6080 Mission Veijo CA 92690 Mr. Chang Stockard Channing 1155 Park Ave New York, NY 10128 Ms. Channing Tracy Chapman c/o Lookout Mgmt 2644 30th St #100 Santa Monica CA 90405 Ms. Chapman Ray Charles c/o Ray Charles Enterprises 2107 W Washington Blvd #200 Los Angeles, CA 90018 Mr. Charles Chevy Chase PO Box 257 Bedford NY 10506 Mr. Chase Chubby Checker 1646 Hilltop Road Birchrunville PA 19421 Mr. Checker Marin Cheech c/o Joseph Mannis 11661 San Vicente Blvd #1010 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Cheech Chris Chelios c/o Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Stadium 1800 W Madison St Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Chelios Cher c/o Bill Sammath Organization PO Box 960 Beverly Hills CA 90213 Cher Julia Child c/o WGBH-TV 125 Western Ave Boston MA 02134 Ms. Child Ray Childress 17304 Club Hill Lane Dallas TX 75248 Mr.Childress Connie Chung c/o CBS-TV News Dept. 524 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Ms. Chung Tom Clancy 200 Madison Ave New York, NY 10016 Mr. Clancy Dick Clark c/o Dick Clark Productions 3003 W Olive Ave Burbank CA 91505 Mr. Clark Mary Higgins Clark c/o Simon & Schuster Inc 1230 Ave of Americas New York, NY 10020 Ms. Clark Arthur C Clarke Leslie's House 25 Barnes Pl Clumbo 7, Sri Lanka Mr. Clarke James Clavell 2006 Thayer Ave Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Clavell Mark Clayton 1270 Wilshire Circle E Pembroke Pines FL 33027 Mr. Clayton Roger Clemens 8582 Katy Fwy #121 Houston TX 77024 Mr. Clemens Chelsea Clinton c/o White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 Ms. Clinton George Clooney 8917 Lookout Mountain Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. Clooney Glenn Close c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Close Paul Coffey c/o Detroit Red Wings Louis Sports Arena 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit MI 48226 Mr. Coffey Natalie Cole 19218 Wells Dr Tarzana CA 91356 Ms. Cole Judy Collins c/o Rocky Mountain Productions PO Box 1296 Cathedral Station New York, NY 10025 Ms. Collins Joan Collins 9255 Dohney Rd Apt 1002 Los Angeles, CA 90069-3211 Ms. Collins Michael Collins PO Box 600 Avon NC 27915 Mr. Collins Jackie Collins PO Box 10581 Burbank CA 91510 Ms. Collins Nadia Comaneci c/o Paul Ciert Assoc 2325 Westwood Dr Norman OK 73069 Ms. Comaneci Bart Connor PO Box 1013 Norman OK 73070 Mr.Connor Jimmy Connors 200 S Refugio Rd Santa Ynez CA 93460 Mr. Connors Robert Conrad 16746 Addison St Enciono CA 91436 Mr. Conrad Tim Conway c/o Philip Weltman 425 S Beverly Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Conway Robin Cook 4601 Riverside Dr #608 Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Mr. Cook Cecil Cooper 1431 Misty Bend Katy TX 77450 Mr. Cooper Alice Cooper 4135 E Keim St Paradise Valley AZ 85253 Mr. Cooper David Copperfield 515 Post Oak Blvd #300 Houston TX 77027 Mr. Copperfield Bill Cosby PO Box 4049 Santa Monica CA 90411 Mr. Cosby Jim Courier 306 E Southview Ave Dade City FL 33525 Mr. Courier Bob Cousy 459 Salisbury St Worcester MA 01609 Mr. Cousy Bill Cowher c/o Pittsburgh Steelers 3 Rivers Stadium 300 Stadium Cir Pittsburgh PA 15212 Mr. Cowher Courtney Cox c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Cox Roger Craig 26658 San Felipe Ave Warner Springs GA 92086 Mr. Craig Wes Craven c/o Wes Craven Films 10000 W Washington Blvd #3011 Culver City CA 90232 Mr. Craven Cindy Crawford c/o Larry Thompson Organization 345 N Maple Dr #183 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Crawford Michael Crichton c/o Jenkins-McKay Inc 433 N Camden #500 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Crichton Walter Cronkite 519 E 84th St New York, NY 10028 Mr. Cronkite Tom Cruise c/o Oden Productions 253 26th St #262 Santa Monica CA 90402 Mr. Cruise John Cryer c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Cryer Billy Crystal c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Crystal Larry Csonka 37256 Hunter Camp Rd Lisbon OH 44432 Mr. Csonka Macaulay Culkin c/o William Morris Agency 1325 Ave of Americas New York, NY 10019 Mr. Culkin Jane Curtin 35 W 11th St New York, NY 10011 Ms. Curtin Dan Curtis 143 S Rockingham Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Curtis Jamie Lee Curtis c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Curtis Tony Curtis 11831 Folkstone Ln Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Curtis Peter Cushing Seasalter Whitsable Kent ENGLAND Mr. Cushing Rodney Dangerfield 530 E 76th St New York, NY 10021 Mr. Dangerfield Ted Danson c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Danson Tony Danza 25000 Malibu Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Danza Hal David 15 W 53rd St New York, NY 10019 Mr. David Geena Davis c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Davis Ann B Davis 23315 Eagle Gap San Antonio TX 78255-2103 Ms. Davis Jim Davis c/o Fox Fires Restaurant 3300 Chadham Lane Muncie IN 47304 Mr. Davis Al Davis c/o Oakland Raiders 1220 Harbor Bay Pkway Alameda CA 94502 Mr. Davis Edward DeBartolo c/o Edward DeBartolo Corp\7620 Market St Youngstown OH 44512 Mr. DeBartolo Ellen DeGeneres 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. DeGeneres Jack Del-Rio c/o Dallas Cowboys 1 Cowboy Pkwy Irving TX 75063 Mr. Del Rio Oscar DeLaHoya 445 S McDonnell Ave Los Angeles, CA 90022 Mr. De La Hoya Kim Delaney 12119 Inavale Place Los Angeles, CA 90046 Ms. Delaney Dom DeLouise 1186 Corsica Dr Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Ms. DeLouise Jonathan Demme c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Demme Rebeccaa DeMorney c/o JPM 760 N Cienga Blvd #200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms. DeMorney Rick Dempsey 5641 Mason Ave Woodland Hills CA 91367 Mr. Dempsey Robert DeNiro c/o TriBeCa Productions TriBeCa Film Center 375 Greenwich ST New York, NY 10013 Mr. DeNiro Brian Dennehy c/o Susan Smith Assoc 121 N San Vicente Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Dennehy Bob Denver PO Box 196 Bearsville NY 12409 Mr. Denver Johnny Depp c/o Tobias Skouras Assoc 1015 Gayley Ave #300 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. DeppBo Derek 3275 Monticello Santa Ynez CA 93460 Ms. Derek Danny DeVito 1028 Ridgedale Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. DeVito Neil Diamond 161 S Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Diamond Dan Dierdorf c/o ABC-TV, Sports Dept 77 W 66th St New York, NY 10023 Mr. Dierdorf Joe DiMaggio 2150 Beach St San Francisco CA 94123 Mr. DiMaggio Cris Dishman c/o Houston Oilers 8030 El Rio Houston TX 77054 Mr. Dishman Roy Disney c/o Shamrock Broadcasting Co 4444 Lakeside Dr Burbank CA 91505 Mr. Disney Mike Ditka 233 W Ontario Chicago IL 60610 Mr. Ditka Chris Doleman c/o Minnesota Vikings 9520 Viking Dr Eden Prairie MN 55344 Mr. Doleman Mickey Dolenz 8369 Sausalito Ave #A West Hills CA 91304 Mr. Dolenz Placido Domingo 150 Central Park South New York, NY 10019 Mr. Domingo Phil Donahue 420 E 54th St #22-F New York, NY 10022 Mr. Donahue James Doohan PO Box 2800 Redmond WA 98073 Mr. Doohan Santana Dotson 2800 Coachman Court Green Bay WI 54301 Mr. Dotson Mike Douglas 1876 Chartley Road Gates Mill OH 44040 Mr. Douglas Richard Dreyfuss 1717 Crisler Way Los Angeles CA 90049 Mr. Dreyfuss David Duchovny c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Duchovny Robert Duvall PO Box 520 The Plains VA 20198 Mr. Duvall John Dykstra c/o Apogee Productions PO Box 7340 Van Nuys CA 00001 Mr. Dykstra Len Dykstra 236 Chester Rd Devon PA 19333 Mr. Dykstra Bob Dylan PO Box 870 Cooper Station New York, NY 10276 Mr. Dylan Dale Earnhardt 1951 Old Cuthbert Rd Cherry Hills NJ 08034 Mr. Earnhardt Clint Eastwood c/o Malpaso Productions 4000 Warner Blvd Bldg 154 #206 Burbank CA 91522 Mr. Eastwood James Edwards c/o Detroit Pistons Palace 2 Championship Dr Auburn Hills MI 48057 Mr. Edwards Blake Edwards 2311 LaMesa Dr Santa Monica CA 90402 Mr. Edwards John Ehrlichman 795 Hamond Dr NE #1607 Atlanta GA 30328 Mr. Ehrlichman Michael Eisner c/o Walt Disney Productions 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Eisner Bill Elliott c/o Elliott Museum PO Box 435 Dawsonville GA 30534 Mr. Elliott Sam Elliott 33050 Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Elliott Elvira c/o Panacea Entertainment 2705 Glendower Ave Los Angeles CA 90027 Ms. Elvira Elvira PO Box 38246 Los Angeles, CA 90038 Ms. Elvira John Elway c/o Denver Broncos 13655 E Dove Valley Pkwy Englewood CO 80112 Mr. Elway Julius Erving c/o Erving Group 1420 Locust St #12-K Philadelphia PA 19102 Mr. Erving Ricky Ervins c/o Washington Redskins 21300 Redskin Park Dr Ashburn VA 22011 Mr. Ervins Gloria Estafan C/o Estafan Enterprises 6205 SW 40th St Miami FL 33155 Ms. Estafan Emilio Estevez 31725 Sea Level Dr Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Estevez Melissa Etheridge 210 N Pass Ave #102 Burbank CA 91505 Ms. Etheridge Dale Evans 15650 Seneca Rd Victorville CA 92392 Ms Evans Chris Evert 701 NE 12th Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33304 Ms. Evert Patrick Ewing c/o New York Knicks Madison Square Garden 4 Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10001 Mr. Ewing Shelley Fabares PO Box 6010 Sherman Oaks CA 91413 Ms. Fabares Fabio c/o Ford Model Agency 344 E 59th St New York, NY 10022 Mr. Fabio Bill Fagerbakke 1500 Will Geer Rd Topanga CA 90290 Mr. Fagerbakke Nick Faldo c/o IMG Pier House Stand on Green London W4 3 NN ENGLAND Mr. Faldo Lee Falk PO Box Z Truro MA 02666 Mr. Falk Jaime Farr c/o Agency for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Farr Mike Farrell PO Box 6010 Sherman Oaks CA 91413 Mr. Farrell Brett Favre PO Box 10628 Green Bay WI 54307 Mr. Favre Farrah Fawcett 3130 Antelo Rd Los Angeles, CA 90077 Ms. Fawcett Sergei Federov c/o Detroit Red Wings Louis Sports Arena 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit MI 48226 Mr. Federov Mary Joe Fernandez c/o Women's Tennis Assn 133 1st St NE St Petersburg FL 33701 Ms. Fernandez Sally Field c/o Fogwood Films PO Box 492417 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Field Kim Fields 23460 Hatteras St Woodland Hills CA 91367 Ms. Fields Bobby Fischer c/o US Chess Federation 186 Rt 9-W New Windsor NY 12550 Mr. Fischer Carrie Fisher 3435 Ocean Park Blvd #206 Santa Monica CA 90405 Ms. Fisher Carlton Fisk 16612 Catawba Rd Lockport IL 60441 Mr. Fisk Ella Fitzgerald c/o Franklyn Agency 1010 Hammond St #312 Los Angeles CA 90069 Ms. Fitzgerald Peggy Fleming 16387 Aztec Ridge Los Gatos CA 95030 Ms. Fleming Dan Fogelberg PO Box 3513 Granada Hills CA 91488 Mr. Fogelberg Jane Fonda 1 CNN Center NW #1080 Atlanta GA 30303 Ms. Fonda Wayne Fontes c/o Detroit Lions Silverdome 1200 Featherstone Rd Pontiac MI 48342 Mr. Fontes Harrison Ford 10279 Century Woods DR Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Ford George Foreman 7639 Pine Oak Dr Humble TX 77397 Mr. Foreman Jodie Foster c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Foster A J Foyt 6415 Toledo Houston TX 77008 Mr. Foyt Jonathan Frakes c/o Paradigm Agency 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2500 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Frakes Genie Francis 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #400 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Francis Steve Franken 3704 Whitespeak Dr Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Mr. Franken Aretha Franklin 8450 Linwood St Detroit MI 48206 Ms. Franklin Dennis Franz 11805 Bellagio Rd Los Angeles CA 90049 Mr. Franz Brenden Fraser 2118 Wilshire Blvd #513 Santa Monica CA 90403 Mr. Fraser Joe Frazier 2917 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19132 Mr. Frazier Morgan Freeman 2472 Broadway #27 New York, NY 10025 Mr. Freeman Janie Fricke c/o Janie Fricke Concerts PO Box 798 Lancaster TX 75146 Ms. Fricke Hayden Fry c/o University of Iowa Athletic Dept Iowa City IA 52242 Mr. Fry Irving Fryar c/o Miami Dolphins Robbie Stadium 2269 NW 199th St Miami FL 33056 Mr. Fryar Robert Fulghum 1015 Violeta Dr Alhambra CA 91801 Mr. Fulghum Annette Funicello 16202 Sandy Ln Encino CA 91316 Ms. Funicello Zsa Zsa Gabor 1001 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, CA 90024 Ms. Gabor Peter Gallagher 171 W 71st ST #3-A New York, NY 10023 Mr. Gallagher Gallagher c/o American Management 17530 Ventura Blvd #108 Encino CA 91316 Mr. Gallagher Garry Galley c/o Los Angeles Kings Forum PO Box 17013 Inglewood CA 90308 Mr. Galley Joe Garagiola 6212 E Huntress DR Paradise Valley CA 90212 Mr. Garagiola Andy Garcia c/o Paradigm 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2500 Los Angeles CA 90067 Mr. Garcia Zina Garrison PO Box 27305 Houston TX 77277 Ms. Garrison Jennie Garth c/o Gold Marshak Asso 3500 W Olive Ave #1400 Burbank CA 91505 Ms. Garth Steve Garvey 11718 Barrington Ct #6 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Garvey William Gates c/o Microsoft Corp 1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98052 Mr. Gates Anthony Geary 7010 Pacific View Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Geary David Geffen c/o Geffen Records 9130 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Geffen Larry Gelbart 807 N Alpine Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. GelbartRichard Gere c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Gere Estelle Getty 1240 N Weatherby Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms. Getty Leeza Gibbons 1760 N Courtney Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046 Ms. Gibbons Mel Gibson 72 Queen St Woolhomra NSW AUSTRALIA Mr. Gibson Henry Gibson 26740 Latigo Share Dr Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Gibson Mel Gibson 4000 Warner Blvd #P3-17 Burbank CA 91522-0001 Mr. Gibson Mel Gibson c/o ICM 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Gibson Frank Gifford c/o ABC-TV Sports Dept 77 W 66th St New York, NY 10023 Mr. Gifford Melissa Gilbert PO Box 57593 Sherman Oaks CA 91413 Ms. Gilbert Sara Gilbert 16254 High Valley Dr Encino CA 91346 Ms. Gilbert Vince Gill c/o Fitzgerald-Hartley-Simmons 50 W Main St Ventura CA 93001 Mr. Gill John Glenn 1000 Urlin Ave Columbus OH 43212 Mr. Glenn Danny Glover PO Box 170069 San Francisco CA 94117 Mr. Glover Whoopi Goldberg c/o Whoop Inc 4000 Warner Blvd #405 Burbank CA 91505 Ms. Goldberg John Goldwater 8 White Birch Ln Scarsdale NY 10583 Mr. Goldwater Dwight Gooden 6755 30th St S St Petersburg FL 33712 Mr. Gooden Louis Gossett-Jr. 5916 Bonsall Dr Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Gossett Michael Goulet c/o Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Stadium 1800 W Madison St Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Goulet Dirk Graham c/o Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Stadium 1800 W Madison ST Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Graham Kelsey Grammer 3266 Cornell Rd Agoura Hills CA 91301 Mr. Grammer Rick Green c/o Detroit Red Wings Louis Sports Arena 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit MI 48226 Mr. Green Dennis Green c/o Minnesota Vikings 9520 Viking Dr Eden Prairie MN 55344 Mr. Green Brian Austin Green 11333 Moorpark St #27 Studio City CA 91602 Mr. Green Kevin Greene c/o Pittsburgh Steelers 3 Rivers Stadium 300 Stadium Cir Pittsburgh PA 15212 Mr. Greene Joe Greene c/o Miami Dolphins Robbie Stadium 2269 NW 199th St Miami FL 33056 Mr. Greene Lee Greenwood c/o Lee Greenwood Inc PO Box 430 Kodak TN 37764 Mr. Greenwood Wayne Gretzky 650 W Stafford Thousand Oaks CA 91361 Mr. Gretzky Jennifer Grey 500 S Sepulveda Blvd #500 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Grey Rosey Grier c/o Rosey Grier's AYC 1977 S Vermont Ave #200 Los Angeles, CA 90007 Mr. Grier Ken Griffey 3942 Mack Rd #9 Fairfield CA 45014 Mr. Griffey Melanie Griffith 231 N Orchard Dr Burbank CA 00001 Ms. Griffith Florence Griffith-Joyner c/o Flo-Jo Int'l 27758 Santa Margarita Pkway #385 Mission Viejo CA 92691 Ms. Griffith Joyner John Grisham PO Box 1780 Oxford MS 38655 Mr. Grisham Matt Groening 241 Howland Canal Venice CA 90291 Mr. Groening Michael Gross 225 S Orange Grove Rd Pasadena CA 91105-3505 Michael Pedro Guerrero 435 S Lafayette Park Pl #308 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Mr. Guerrero Cathy Guisewite c/o Universal Press Syndicate 4900 Main St #900 Kansas City KS 64112 Ms. Guisewite Greg Gumbel c/o CBS-TV Sports Dept 51 W 52nd St New York, NY 10019 Mr. Gumbel Matt Guokas c/o Orlando Magic Orlando Arena 1 Magic Pl Orlando FL 32801 Mr. Guokas A R Gurney-Jr Wellers Bridge Rd Roxbury CT 06783 Mr. Gurney Jasmine Guy c/o Pantich 21243 Ventura Blvd #101 Woodland Hills CA 91364 Ms. Guy Lukas Haas c/o Gold Marshak Asso 3500 W Olive Ave #1400 Burbank CA 91505 Mr. Haas Merle Haggard c/o HAG Inc Box 536 Palo Cedro CA 96073 Mr. Haggard Marvin Hagler c/o Peter Devener 75 Presidential Dr #4 Quincy MA 021699 Mr. Hagler Charles Haley c/o Dallas Cowboys 1 Cowboys Pkwy Irving TX 75063 Mr. Haley Deidre Hall c/o Agency for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms Hall Mark Hamill PO Box 1051 Santa Monica CA 90406 Mr. Hamill Dorothy Hamill 79490 Fairway Dr Indian Wells CA 92210 Ms. Hamill Linda Hamilton 721 Via de la Paz Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Ms. Hamilton Harry Hamlin 612 N Sepulveda Blvd #10 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Hamlin Marvin Hamlisch 970 Park Ave #501 New York, NY 10028 Mr. Hamlisch Dean Hampton 51117 W Clelland Cabot AR 72023 Mr. Hampton Tom Hanks PO Box 1650 Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Mr. Hanks William Hanna c/o Hanna-Barbera Productions 3400 W Cahuenga Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90068 Mr. Hanna Onfernee Hardaway c/o Orlando Magic Orlando Arena 1 Magic Pl Orlando FL 32801 Mr. Hardaway Tim Hardaway c/o Golden State Warriors Oakland Coliseum Arena Oakland CA 94621 Mr. Hardaway Craig Harper c/o Chicago Bulls 1901 W Madison St Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Harper Ron Harper c/o Chicago Bulls 1901 W Madison St Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Harper Woody Harrelson 10780 Santa Monica Blvd #280 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Harrelson Ed Harris c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Harris Franco Harris 995 Greentree Rd Pittsburgh PA 15220 Mr. Harris George Harrison Friar Park Rd Henley-on-Thams Oxfordshire ENGLAND Mr. Harrison John Hart c/o Creators Syndicate 5777 W Century Blvd #700 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Mr. Hart David Hasselhoff 4310 Sutton Pl Sherman Oaks 91403 Mr. Hasselhoff Teri Hatcher c/o William Morris Agency 151 S El Caminio Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Hatcher Stephen Hawking c/o University of Cambridge Applied Math Dept Cambridge CB3 9EW ENGLAND Mr. Hawking Hersey Hawkins c/o Charlotte Hornets 1 Hive Dr Charlotte NC 28217 Mr. Hawkins Goldie Hawn c/o Hawn-Sylbert Co 500 S Buena Vista St #10-d-06 Burbank CA 91521 Ms. Hawn John Heard 347 W 84th St #5 New York, NY 10024 Mr. Heard Thomas Hearns 19785 W 12 Mile Rd Southfield MI 48076 Mr. Hearns Hugh Hefner 10236 Charing Cross Rd Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Hefner Florence Henderson c/o Artists Agency 10000 Santa Monica Blvd #305 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Henderson Rickey Henderson 10561 Engelwood Dr Oakland CA 94605 Mr. Henderson Doug Henning 6747 Odessa #105 Van Nuys CA 91406 Mr. Henning Katharine Hepburn 350 5th Ave #5019 New York, NY 10018 Ms. Hepburn Keith Hernandez 255 E 49th St #28-D New York, NY 10017 Mr. Hernandez Charlton Heston 2859 Coldwater Canyon Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Heston William Hinds 1301 Spring Oaks Cir Houston TX 77055 Mr. Hinds Gregory Hines 377 W 11th St #PH New York, NY 10014 Mr. Hines Dustin Hoffman c/o Punch Productions 540 Madison Ave #27 New York, NY 100 10022 Mr. Hoffman Hulk Hogan 4505 Ave of Stars #2270 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Hogan Hal Holbrook c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Holbrook Larry Holmes c/o Holmes Enterprises 43 Northampton St Easton PA 18042 Mr. Holmes Mike Holmgren c/o Green Bay Packers 1265 Lombardi Ave Green Bay WI 54304 Mr. Holmgren Evander Holyfield 794 Highway 279 Fairburn GA 30123 Mr. Holyfield Bob Hope 10346 Moorpark St North Hollywood CA 91602 Mr. Hope Paul Hornung 133 S 3rd St #310 Louisville KY 40202 Mr. Hornung Robert Horry c/o Houston Rockets Summit Greenway Plz #10 Houston TX 77277 Mr. Horry Willie Horton c/o Reid 15124 Warwick Detroit MI 48223 Mr. Horton Jeff Hostetter c/o Oakland Raiders 1220 Harbor Bay Pkway Alameda CA 94502 Mr. Hostetter Greg Howard 3403 W 28th St Minneapolis MN 55416 Mr. Howard Desmond Howard 3206 Alpine Dr Ann Arbor MI 48108 Mr. Howard Mark Howe c/o Philadelphia Flyers Spectrum Pattison Pl Philadelphia PA 19148 Mr. Howe Finola Hughes c/o Gersh Agency 232 N Canon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Hughes Engelbert Humperdinck c/o William Morris Agency 1350 Ave of Americas New York, NY 10019 Mr. Humperdinck Helen Hunt c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Hunt Holly Hunter 41 Sutter St #1649 San Francisco CA 94104 Ms. Hunter Rachel Hunter c/o Ford Model Agency 344 E 59th St New York, NY 10022 Ms. Hunter Lindsey Hunter c/o Detroit Pistons Palace 2 Championship Dr Auburn Hills MI 48057 Mr. Hunter Jim Hunter RR 1 Box 895 Hertford NC 27944 Mr. Hunter Kelly Hurdey c/o New York Islanders Veterans Memorial Coliseum Uniondale NY 11553 Mr. Hurdey Bobby Hurley c/o Sacramento Kings 1 Sports Pkway Sacramento CA 95834 Mr. Hurley William Hurt 370 Lexington Ave #808 New York, NY 10017 Mr. Hurt Billy Idol c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Idol Julio Iglesias 1177 Kan Concourse Miami FL 33154 Mr. Iglesias Iman 641 5th Ave #22-Q New York, NY 10022 Ms. Iman Kathy Ireland c/o Sterling/Winters 1900 Ave of Stars #739 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Ireland Raghib Ismail 28 Mountainwood Dr Mountain Top PA 18707 Ms. Ismail Alan Jackson 1107 17th Ave S Nashville TN 37212 Mr. Jackson Michael Jackson c/o MJJ Productions 9255 W Sunset Blvd #1100 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Jackson Reggie Jackson 325 Elder Ave Sunnyside CA 93955 Mr. Jackson Janet Jackson c/o HK Mgmt 8900 Wilshire Blvd #300 Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Jackson Dan Jansen 4428 S 85th St Greenfield WI 53228 Mr. Jansen Bruce Jenner 3133 Abington Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Jenner Billy Joel c/o Maritime Music Inc 200 W 57th St Suite 308 New York, NY 10019 Mr. Joel Elton John 1249 Stillwood Dr NE Atlanta GA 30307 Mr. John Larry Johnson c/o Charlotte Hornets 1 Hive Dr Charlotte NC 28217 Mr. Johnson Don Johnson 231 N Orchard Dr Burbank CA 91506 Mr. Johnson Earvin Johnson Beverly Estates 13100 Mulholland Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Johnson Kevin Johnson c/o Phoenix Suns 201 E Jefferson St Phoenix AZ 85004 Mr. Johnson Arte Johnson 2725 Bottlebrush Los Angeles CA 90077 Mr. Johnson John Dennis Johnston c/o Century Artists 9744 Wilshire Blvd #308 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Johnston Lynn Johnston c/o Universal Press Syndicate 4900 Main St. #900 Kansas City KS 64112 Lynn Tom Jones c/o Tom Jones Enterprises 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #205 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Jones James Earl Jones 390 West End Ave New York, NY 10024 Mr. Jones Davy Jones c/o Mars Talent Agency 168 Orchid Dr Pearl River NY 10965 Mr. Jones Jenny Jones c/o Jenny Jones Show NBC-Tower 454 N Columbus Dr #400 Chicago IL 60611 Ms. Jones Tommy Lee Jones PO Box 966 San Saba TX 76877 Mr. Jones Chuck Jones PO Box 2319 Costa Mesa CA 92628 Mr. Jones Michael Jordan c/o ProServe 1100 Woodrow Wilson Blvd #1800 Arlington VA 22209 Mr. Jordan Jackie Joyner-Kersee c/o JJK Assoc. 3466 Bridgeland Dr #105 Bridgeland MO 63044 Ms. Joyner-Kersee Max Baer Jr. c/o Max Baer Productions 10433 Wilshire Blvd #103 Los Angeles CA 90024 Mr. Baer Wynonna Judd c/o Ken Stilts Co 40 Fiberglass Dr Mount Juliet TN 37122 Ms. Judd Dave Justice 4173 Tattershall Dr Decatur GA 30034 Mr. Justice Chaka Kahn c/o Steve Margo Mgmt 4444 Via Marina #818 Marina Del Rey CA 90292 Ms. Kahn Bob Kane 8455 Fountain Ave #725 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Kane Richard Karn c/o Home Improvement Show Touchstone 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Karn Bela Karolyi c/o Karolyi's World Gym RR 12 Box 140 Huntsville TX 77340 Mr. Karolyi Julie Kavner 25154 Malibu Rd #2 Malibu CA 90265 Ms. Kavner Bill Keane 5815 E Joshua Tree Ln Paradise Valley AZ 85253 Mr. Keane Glen Keane c/o Walt Disney Studios 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Keane Diane Keaton c/o William Morris Agency 1325 Ave of Americas New York, NY 10019 Ms. Keaton Michael Keaton c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Keaton Bob Keeshan c/o Robert Keeshan Assoc 40 W 57th St #1600 New York, NY 10019 Mr. Keene Rick Kehoe c/o Pittsburgh Penguins Civic Arena Centre Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 Mr. Kehoe Harvey Keitel c/o Kay Julien 1501 Broadway #2600 New York, NY 10036 Mr. Keitel Brian Keith c/o Camden ITG Talent Agency 822 S Robertson Blvd #200 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Mr. Keith Jim Kelley c/o Buffalo Bills 1 Bills Dr Orchard Park NY 14127 Mr. Kelly Shawn Kemp c/o Seattle Supersonics 190 Queen Ave N PO Box C-900911 Seattle WA 98109 Mr. Kemp Cortez Kennedy c/o Seattle Seahawks 11220 NE 53rd St Kirkland WA 98033 Mr. Kennedy Joanne Kerns PO Box 49216 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Kerns John Kerr c/o WMAQ-AM Sports Dept Merchandise Mart Chicago IL 00001 Mr. Kerr Nancy Kerrigan c/o ProServe Inc 5335 Wisconsin Ave NW #850 Washington DC 20015 Ms. Kerrigan Jerome Kersey c/o Portland Trail Blazers 700 NE Multnomah ST #600 Portland OR 97232 Mr. Kersey Boyd Kestner c/o Metropolitan Talent Agency 9320 Wilshire Blvd #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Kestner Hank Ketchum 512 Pierce ST Monterey CA 93940 Mr. Ketchum Val Kilmer PO Box 362 Tesuque NM 87574 Mr. Kilmer Ward Kimball 8910 Ardendale Ave San Gabriel CA 91775 Mr. Kimball Billie Jean King c/o World Team Tennis 445 N Wells St #404 Chicago IL 60610 Ms. King Larry King 10801 Lockwood Dr #230 Silver Spring MD 20901 Mr. King Stephen King c/o Julian Eugley 49 Florida Ave Bangor ME 04401 Mr. King Don King c/o Don King Productions 968 Pinehurst Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 Mr. King Albert King c/o San Antonio Spurs 600 E Market St #102 San Antonio TX 78205 Mr. King Eartha Kitt 1524 Labaig Ave Los Angeles, CA 90028 Ms. Kitt Ron Kittle 742 N Old Shuman Rd Valparaiso IN 46383 Mr. Kittle Werner Klemperer 1229 Horn Ave Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Kemperer Kevin Kline 45 W 6th St #27B New York, NY 10023 Mr. Kline Bobby Knight c/o Indiana University Athletic Dept Bloomington IN 47405 Mr. Knight Walter Koenig PO Box 4395 North Hollywood CA 91617 Mr. Koenig Peter Kohlsaat 5282 Greenwood Rd Duluth MN 55804 Mr. Kohlsaat Dean Koontz PO Box 9529 Newport Beach CA 92658 Mr. Koontz Ted Koppel c/o ABC-TV News Dept 1717 DeSales St NW Washington DC 20036 Mr. Koppel Alex Kotzky 203-17 56th Ave Bayside NY 11364 Mr. Kotzky Toni Kukoc c/o Chicago Bulls 1901 W Madison St Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Kukoc Terry Labonte Rt 1 PO Box 607 Trinity NC 27370 Mr. Labonte Christian Laettner c/o Atlanta Hawks 1 CNN Center South Tower Atlanta GA 30303 Mr. Laettner The Dalai Lama Thekchen Choeling McLeod Ganj 176219 Dharamsal Himachal Pradesh INDIA Sir Lorenzo Lamas PO Box 500907 San Diego CA 92150 Mr. Lamas Martin Landau 1501 Skylark Ln Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Landau Ann Landers c/o Chicago Tribune 435 N Michigan Ave Chicago IL 60611 Ms. Landers John Landis 9402 Beverly Crest Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Landis Joe Lando c/o William Morris Agency 151 S El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Lando Tom Landry 8411 Preston Rd #720 Dallas TX 75225 Mr. Landry Harry Langdon PO Box 16816 Beverly Hills CA 90209 Mr. Langdon Jessica Lange c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Lange Bob Lanier c/o NBA Operations Dept 645 5th Ave New York, NY 10022 Mr. Lanier Angela Lansbury 635 N Bonhill Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Lansbury John Larroquette PO Box 6910 Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Larroquette Tommy Lasorda 1473 W Maxzim Ave Fullterton CA 92633 Mr. Lasorda Norman Lear 991 N Alpine Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Lear Spike Lee c/o Forty Acres & A Mule Filmworks 124 DeKalb AVe #2 Brooklyn NY 11217 Mr. Lee Tommy Lee 31341 Mulholland Hwy Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Lee Peggy Lee 11404 Bellagio Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Lee Ursula LeGuin c/o Virginia Kidd Box 278 Milford PA 18337 Ms. LeGuin Jennifer Jason Leigh c/o Edrick/Rich Mgmt 2400 Whitman Pl Los Angeles, CA 90068 Ms. Leigh Mario Lemieux 630 Academy St Sewickley PA 15143 Mr. Lemieux Jack Lemmon c/o Jalem Productions 141 S El Camino Dr #201 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Lemmon Meadowlark Lemon c/o Trinity Broadcasting Network PO Box A Santa Ana CA 92711 Mr. Lemon Ivan Lendl 400 5 1/2 Mile Road Goshen CT 06756 Mr. Lendl Sean Lennon c/o Dakota Hotel 1 W 72nd St New York, NY 10023 Mr. Lennon Jay Leno 1151 Tower Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Leno Sugar Ray Leonard 9100 Stapleford Hill Rd Potomac MD 20854 Mr. Leonard Tea Leoni 2054 Clifton Dr Chicago IL 60614 Ms. Leoni David Letterman c/o CBS-TV Ed Sullivan Theater 1697 Broadway New York, NY 10019 Mr. Letterman Barry Levinson c/o Creative Artists 1999 Ave of Stars #2850 Los Angeles, CA 90212 Mr. Levinson Marvin Levy c/o Buffalo Bills 1 Bills Dr Orchard Park NY 14127 Mr. Levy Juliette Lewis c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Lewis Richard Lewis 8001 Hemet Pl Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. Lewis Al Lewis PO Box 277 New York, NY 10044 Mr. Lewis Roy Lichtenstein PO Box 1369 Southampton NY 11969 Mr. Lichtenstein Larry Lieber c/o Marvel Comics Group 387 Park Ave S New York, NY 10016 Mr. Lieber Judith Light 2930 Beverly Glen Circle #30 Los Angeles, CA 90077 Ms. Light George Lindsey c/o Avon Books 1350 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Mr. Lindsey Art Linkletter 1100 Bel Air Rd Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Linkletter Larry Linville c/o Robert Cosden Enterprises 3518 Cahuenga Blvd W #216 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Mr. Linville Ray Liotta c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Liotta John Lithgow 1319 Warnall Ave Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Lithgow Christopher Lloyd c/o Managemint PO Box 491246 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Lloyd Heahter Locklear 4970 Summit View Dr Westlake Village CA 91362 Ms. Locklear Shelley Long c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Long Howie Long PO Box 210 Ivy, VA 22945 Mr. Long Sophia Loren La Concordia Ranch 1151 Hidden Valley Rd Thousand Oaks CA 91361 Ms. Loren Greg Louganis PO Box 4130 Malibu CA 90264 Mr. Louganis Lori Loughlin c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Loughlin Julia Louis-Dreyfus 131 S Rodeo Dr #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Louis-Dreyfus Mike Love 101 Mesa Ln Santa Barbara CA 93109 Mr. Love Kevin Lowe c/o Edmonton Oilers Northlake Coliseum Edmonton ABT5B4 M 9 CANADA Mr. Lowe Rob Lowe 270 N Canon Dr #1072 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Lowe George Lucas c/o LucasFilm Ltd. PO Box 2009 San Rafael CA 94912 Mr. Lucas Susan Lucci 16 Carteret Pl Garden City NY 11530 Ms. Lucci Kelly Lynch 1970 Mandeville CAnyon Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Lynch Loretta Lynn c/o Loretta Lynn Ent. PO Nox 120369 Nashville TN 37212 Ms. Lynn Yo-Yo Ma c/o International Creative Mgmt 40 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Mr. Ya Andie MacDowell c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. MacDowell Bob Mackie c/o Bob Mackie Originals 225 W 39th St New York, NY 10018 Mr. Mackie Shirley MacLaine c/o MacLaine Enterprises 25200 Malibu Rd #1 Malibu CA 90265 Ms. MacLaine Jeff MacNelly 333 E Grace Richmond VA 23293 Mr. MacNelly Greg Maddux 8124 Desert Jewel Cir Las Vegas NV 89128 Mr. Madduz Madonna 4519 Cockerham Dr Los Angeles, CA 90027 Madonna Ann Magnuson 1317 Maltman Ave Los Angeles, CA 90026 Ms. Magnuson Rick Mahorn c/o Detroit Pistons Palace 2 Championship Dr Auburn Hills MI 48326 Mr. Mahorn Dan Majerle 2525 E San Miguel Ave Phoenix AZ 85016 Mr. Majerle Karl Malone c/o Utah Jazz 301 W South Temple Salt Lake City UT 84101 Mr. Malone Barbara Mandrell c/o Mandrell Mgmt 605 N Main #6 Ashland City TX 37015 Ms. Mandrell Barry Manilow c/o Stiletto Entertainment 5443 Beethoven St Los Angeles, CA 90066 Mr. Manilow Danny Manning 2805 Tennyson Pl Hermosa Beach CA 90254 Mr. Manning Marcel Marceau c/o Compagne de Mime 32 Rue de Londres 75009 Paris FRANCE Mr. Marceau Juliana Marguiles c/o ER Show Amblin Entertainment 100 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 Ms. Marguiles Ed Marinaro 1466 N Doheny Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Marinaro Dar Marino 3415 Stallion Lane Fort Lauderdale FL 33331 Mr. Marino Wynton Marsalis 3 Lincoln Center #291 New York, NY 10023 Mr. Marsalis Branford Marsalis c/o Wilkins Mgmt 260 Brookline St #200 Cambridge MA 02139 Mr. Marsalis Penny Marshall 7150 LaPresa Dr Los Angeles, CA 90068 Ms. Marshall Dick Martin 11030 Chalon Rd Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Martin Dennis Martinez 9400 SW 63rd Ct Miami FL 33156 Mr. Martinez Russell Maryland 185 Asher Ct Corpus Christi TX 75019 Mr. Maryland Mary Stuart Masterson PO Box 1249 White River Junction VT 05001 Ms. Masterson Jerry Mathers c/o Artists Group 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2490 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Mathers Tim Matheson 830 River Rock Rd Santa Barabara CA 93108 Mr. Matheson Marlee Matlin 12304 Santa Monica #119 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ms. Matlin Kathy Mattea c/o Bob Titley Ent 706 18th Ave S Nashville TN 37203 Ms. Mattea Walter Matthau 278 Toyopa Dr Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Mr. Matthau Don Mattingly 12641 Browning Rd Evansville IN 47711 Mr. Mattingly Peter Max 118 Riverside Dr New York, NY 10024 Mr. Max Virginia Mayo 109 E Ave Des Las Abolas Thousand Oaks CA 91360 Ms. Mayo Willie Mays PO Box 2410 Menlo Park CA 94026 Mr. Mays Bill Mazeroski RR 6 Box 130 Greensburg PA 15601 Mr. Mazeroski Napoleon McCallum c/o Los Angeles Raiders 332 Center St El Segundo CA 90245 Mr. McCallum Andrew McCarthy 4708 Vesper Ave Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Mr. McCarthy Paul McCartney Waterfall Estate Peamarsh St Leonard-on-Sea Sussez ENGLAND Mr. McCartney Rue McClanahan c/o Agency for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms. McClanahan Maureen McCormick 2812 Shellcreek Pl Wastlake Village CA 91361 Ms. McCormick Colleen McCullough Out YEnna Norfold Island 2890 Oceania AUSTRALIA Ms. McCullough John McEnroe 23712 Malibu Colony Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. McEnroe Reba McEntire c/o Starstruck Talent PO Box 121966 Nashville TN 37212 Ms. McEntire Kelly McGillis 303 Whitehead St Key West FL 33040 Ms. McGillis Mark McGwire c/o Oakland Athletics Oakland Coliseum Oakland CA 94621 Mr. McGwire Nancy McKeon PO Box 1872 Studio City CA 91614 Ms. McKeon Audray McMillan 4015 Brightwood Missouri City TC 77459 Mr. McMillan Kritsy McNichol 15060 Ventura Blvd #350 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ms. McNichol Kevin McReynolds c/o Kansas City Royals PO Box 419969 Kansas City MO 64141 Mr. McReynolds Karl Mecklenburg 6372 S Zenobia Ct Littleton CO 80123 Mr. Mecklenburg Bill Melendez 438 N Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 Mr. Melendez John Mellencamp RR 1 Box 361 Nashville TN 47448 Mr. Mellencamp Natalie Merchant c/o New York End Ltd. 2525 Michigan Ave #A-1 Santa Monica CA 90404 Ms. Merchant Don Meredith PO Box 597 Santa Fe NM 87504 Mr. Meredith Burgess Meredith 25 Malibu Colony Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Meredith Mark Messier c/o New York Rangers Madison Square Garden 4 Pennsylvania Plz New York, NY 10001 Mr. Messier Laurie Metcalf 11845 Kling St North Hollywood CA 91607 Ms. Matcalf Lorne Michaels 88 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 Mr. Michaels James Michener 2706 Mountain Laurel Lane Austin TX 78703 Mr. Michener Bette Midler c/o All Girl Productions 100 Universal City Plaza #507 Universal City CA 91608 Ms. Midler Penelope Ann Miller c/o Kincaid Personal Mgmt 43 Navy St #B Venice CA 90291 Ms. Miller Shannon Miller 715 S Kelley AVe Edmond OK 73034 Ms. Miller Dennis Miller 814 N Mansfield Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 Mr. Miller Liza Minnelli c/o Black 150 E 69th St #21-G New York, NY 10021 Ms. Minnelli Brian Mitchell c/o Washington Redskins 21300 Redskin Park Dr Ashburn VA 22011 Mr. Mitchell Joni Mitchell 624 Funchall RD Los Angeles, CA 90077 Ms. Mitchell Matthew Modine 9696 Culver Blvd #203 Culver City CA 90232 Mr. Modine Ricardo Montalban 1423 Oriole Dr Los Angeles, CA69 Mr. Montalban Johnny Moore c/o San Antonio Spurs 600 E Market St #102 San Antonio TX 78205 Mr. Moore Herman Moore 265 Mount Herman Circle Danville VA 24540 Mr. Moore Mary Tyler Moore 510 E 86th St #21-A New York, NY 10028 Ms. Moore Demi Moore c/o Rufgen Films 1453 3rd St #420 Santa Monica CA 90401 Ms. Moore Dudley Moore 73 Market St VEnice CA 90291 Mr. Moore Jim Mora c/o New Orleans Saints 6928 Saints Dr Metaire LA 70003 Mr. Mora Rick Moranis 101 Central Parl W #12-B New York, NY 10023 Mr. Moranis Alonzo Mourning c/o Miami Heat Miami Arena Miami FL 33136 Mr. Mourning Martin Mull 338 Chadbourne Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Mull Chris Mullin 4499 Deer Ridge Rd Danville CA 94506 Mr. Mullin Dale Murphy 1603 W Grantville Grantville GA 30226 Mr. Murphy Eddie Murphy c/o Eddie Murphy Productions Carnegie Tower 152 W 57th St #4700 New York, NY 10019 Mr. Murphy Bill Murray RD1 PO Box 573 Washington Springs Rd Palisades NY 10964 Mr. Murray Eddie Murray 1070 Forest Bay Dr Waterford MI 48328 Mr. Murray Mike Myers c/o Brillstein Co 9150 Wilshire Blvd #350 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Myers Jim Nabors 215 Kalamanu Honolulu HI 96816 Mr. Nabors Joe Namath c/o Namanco Productions 300 E 51st St #11-A New York, NY 10022 Mr. Namath Matina Navratilova c/o Women's Tennis Assn 133 1st St NE St Petersburg FL 33701 Ms. Navratilova Lian Neesom c/o International Creative Management 40 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Mr. Neesom Michael Nesmith RR 1 Box 133 Santa Fe NM 87501 Mr. Nesmith Graig Nettles 1PO Box 754 Del Mar CA 92014 Mr. Nettles Bob Newhart 420 Amapola Ln Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Newhart Paul Newman 9056 Santa Monica Blvd #100 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Newman Nichelle Nichols 23281 Lenora Dr Woodland Hills CA 91367 Ms. Nichols Jack Nicklaus c/o Golden BEar International 11780 US Hwy 1 North Palm Beach FL 33408 Mr. Nicklaus Leslie Nielsen 1622 Viewmont Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Nielsen Leonard Nimoy 17 Gateway Dr Batavia NY 14020 Mr. Nimoy Ray Nitschke 410 Peppermint Crt RR 1 Oneida WI 54155 Mr. Nitschke Chelsea Noble PO Box 8665 Calabasas CA 91372 Ms. Noble Nick Nolte 6174 Bonsali Dr Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Nolte Greg Norman 382 S Beach Rd Hobe Sound FL 33455 Mr. Norman Chuck Norris PO Box 872 Navasota TX 77868 Mr. Norris Ken Norton 4 Cantilena San Clemente CA 92673 Mr. Norton Judy Norton-Taylor 6767 Forest Lawn Dr #115 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Ms. Norton-Taylor Jay Novacek R 1 Box 611-2 |Snager TX 76266 Mr. Novacek Conan O'Brien 125 N Wetherby Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mr. O'Brien Sandra Day O'Connor c/o US Supreme Court 1 1st St NE Washington DC 20543 Ms. O'Donnor Carroll O'Connor 30826 Broad Beach Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. O'Connor Rosie O'Donnell The Rosie O'Donnell Show 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112 Ms. O'Donnell Chris O'Donnell 1724 N Vista Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mr. O'Donnell Maureen O'Hara PO Box 1400 Christeanted St Croix VI 00821 Mr. O'Hara Ryan O'Neal 21368 Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu CA 90265 Mr. O'Neal Tatum O'Neal 300 Central Park West #16-g New York NY 10024 Ms. O'Neal Maureen O'Sullivan 1839 Union St Schenectady NY 12309 Ms. O'Sullivan Annette O'Toole c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. O'Toole Hakeem Olajuwon c/o Houston Rockets Summit Greenway Plz #10 Houston TX 77277 Mr. Olajuwon Ken Olin 522 Arbamar Place Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Mr. Olin Merlin Olsen 714 E California Blvd Pasadena CA 91106 Mr. Olsen Yoko Ono c/o DakotaHotel 1 W 72nd St New York, NY 10023 Ms. Ono Bobby Orr 300 Boylston St #605 Boston MA 02116 Mr. Orr Donny Osmond 36 Avignon Ave Newport Beach CA 92657 Mr. Osmond Marie Osmond c/o United Mgmt 3325 N University #150 Provo UT 84604 Ms. Osmond Jim Otto 00 Estates Dr Auburn CA 95603 Mr. Otto Frank Oz PO Box 20750 New York, NY 10023 Mr. Oz Al Pacino 301 W 57th St #16-C New York, NY 10019 Mr. Pacino Jim Palmer PO Box 145 Brooklandville MD 21022 Mr. Palmer Arnold Palmer PO Box 52 Youngstown PA 15695 Mr. Palmer Bill Parcells c/o New England Patriots Foxboro Stadium Rt 1 Foxboro MA 02035 Mr. Parcells Robert Parish c/o Chicago Bulls 1901 W Madison Chicago IL 60612 Mr. Parish Brant Parker 6766 Bull Run Post Office Rd Centreville VA 20120 Mr. Parker Sarah Jessica Parker PO Box 611 Englewood NJ 07631 Ms. Parker Dolly Parton Crockett Rd Rt 1 Brentwood TN 37027 Ms Parton Joe Paterno c/o Pennsylvania State University Greenburg Complex University Park PA 16802 Mr. Paterno Mandy Patinkin 200 W 90th St New York, NY 10024 Mr. Patinkin Pat Paulsen PO Box 10 Tujunga CA 91043 Mr. Paulsen Gary Payton c/o Seattle Supersonics 190 Queen Ave N PO Box C-900911 Seatlle WA 98109 Mr. Payton Walter Payton 300 N Martingale #340 Schaumberg IL 60173 Mr. Payton Sean Penn c/o Clyde is Hungry Prod 22333 Pacific Coast Highweay Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Penn Sydney Penny 10112 Valley Circle Blvd Chatsworth CA 91311 Ms. Penny Roger Penske Penske Racing 366 Penske Plaza PO Box 301 Reading PA 19603 Mr. Penske Rosie Perez 1990 S Bundy Dr #600 Los Angeles CA 90025 Ms. Perez Elizabeth Perkins c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Perkins Sam Perkins c/o Seattle Supersonics 190 Queen Ave N PO Box C-900911 Seattle WA 98109 Mr. Perkins Rhea Perlman 31020 Broad Beach Rd Malibu CA 90265 Ms. Perlman Joe Perry c/o Collins Mgmt 5 Bigelow St Cambridge MA 02139 Mr. Perry Luke Perry 19528 Ventura Blvd #533 Tanzana CA 91356 Mr. Perry Joe Pesci PO Box 6 Lavallette NJ 08735 Mr. Pesci Mike Peters 1269 1st St #8 Sarasota FL 34236 Mr. Peters Kyle Petty 4941 Finch Farm Rd Trinity NC 27370 Mr. Petty Richard Petty PO Box 86 Randleman NC 27317 Mr. Petty Tom Petty c/o Levine/Schneider 8730 Sunset Blvd #600 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Petty Tom Petty 959 Cinnamon Drive Lemore CA 93245 Mr. Petty Michelle Pfeiffer 2210 Wilshire Blvd #998 Santa Monica CA 90403 Mr. Pfeiffer Julianne Phillips 2227 Mandeville Canyon Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms Phillips Lou Diamond Phillips 11766 Wilshire Blvd #1470 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Phillips Rickey Pierce c/o Denver Nuggets McNichols 1635 Clay St Denver CO 80204 Mr. Pierce Scottie Pippen c/o Chicago Bulls PO Box 248 Highland Park IL 60035 Mr. Pippen Rick Pitino c/o University of Kentucky Memorial Coliseum Lexington KY 40506 Mr. Pitino Brad Pitt c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Pitt Eve Plumb 145 S Farifax Ave #310 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Ms. Plumb Christopher Plummer 49 Wampum Hill Rd Weston CT 06883 Mr. Plummer Jim Plunkett 51 Kilroy Way Atherton CA 94027 Mr. Plunkett Sidney Poitier 9255 Doheny Rd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Poitier Syndey Pollack 13525 Lucas Dr Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Mr. Pollack Mike Post c/o Mike Post Productions 1007 W Olive Burbank CA 91506 Mr. Post Annie Potts c/o Erwin Stoff 9460 Wilshire Blvd #7 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Potts Paula Poundstone 1223 Broadway #162 Santa Monica CA 90404 Ms. Poundstone Jason Preistly 1811 Whitley Ave Los Angeles, CA 90028 Mr. Priestly Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Presley Kelly Preston 15821 Ventura Blvd #460 Encino CA 91436 Ms. Preston Kirby Puckett 6625 West Trl Minneapolis MN 55439 Mr. Puckett Dennis Quaid 11718 Barrington Ct #508 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Quaid Randy Quaid PO Box 17372 Beverly Hills CA 90209 Mr. Quaid Anthony Quinn PO Box 479 Bristol RI 02809 Mr. Quinn Raffi c/o Jensen Communications 230 E Union St Pasadena CA 91101 Mr. Raffi Bonnie Raitt 1344 N Spaulding Ave Los Angeles, CA 90041 Ms. Raitt Sally Jessy Raphael c/o Multimedia Entertainment 8 Elm St New Haven CT 06510 Ms. Raphael Ahmed Rashad c/o NBC-TV News Dept 30 Rockefeller Plz New York, NY 10112 Mr. Rashad Peter Reckell c/o Paradigm Agency 10100 Santa Monica #2500 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Reckell Robert Redford Rt 3 Box 837 Provo UT 84604 Mr. Redford Lynn Redgrave 21342 Colina Dr Topanga CA 90290 Ms. Redgrave Vanessa Redgrave c/o James Sharkey Assoc 21 Golden Square London W1R 3PA ENGLAND Ms. Redgrave Andre Reed 19 W Hill Dr West Seneca NY 14224 Mr. Reed Christopher Reeve PO Box 26 Sprinfield NJ 07081 Mr. Reeve Keanu Reeves c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Reeves Joe Regalbuto 724 24th St Santa Monica CA 90402 Mr. Regalbuto J R Reid c/o New York Knicks Madison Square Garden 4 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 Mr. Reid Carl Reiner 714 N Rodeo Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Reiner Rob Reiner 255 S Chadbourne Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Reiner Paul Reiser 4243 Colfax Ave #C Studio City CA 91604 Mr. Reiser Mary Lou Retton c/o Proper Marketing 44450 Pinetree #103 Plymouth MI 48170 Ms. Retton Anne Rice 1239 1st St New Orleans LA 70130 Ms. Rice Jerry Rice 2 Brittany Meadows Atherton CA 94027 Mr. Rice Little Richard c/o Hyatt Sunset Hotel 8401 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Little Richard Keith Richards Redlands West Wittering Near Chichester Sussex ENGLAND Mr. Richards Michael Richards c/o Agency for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Richards Sale Ride c/o California Space Institute PO Box 0221 9500 Gilman Dr La Jolla CA 92093 Ms. Ride Cal Ripken-Jr. c/o Baltimore Orioles 333 W Camden Ave Baltimore MD 21201 Mr. Ripken Glenn (Doc) Rivers c/o San Antonio Spurs 600 E Market St #102 San Antonio TX 78205 Mr. Rivers Joan Rivers 10 Bay St #156 Westport CT 06880 Ms. Rivers Tim Robbins c/o International Creative Mgmt 40 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Mr. Robbins Harold Robbins 601 W Camino Sur Palm Springs CA 92262 Mr. Robbins Julia Roberts c/o ICM 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Roberts Brooks Robinson PO Box 1168 Baltimore MD 21203 Mr. Robinson Smokey Robinson c/o Bowen Agency 501 W 168th St New York, NY 10032 Mr. Robinson Cliff Robinson c/o Portland Trail Blazers 700 NE Multnomah St #600 Portland OR 97232 Mr. Robinson Chris Rock c/o William Morris Agency 1325 Ave of Americas New York, NY 10019 Mr. Rock Dennis Rodman c/o Illusions 157 W Ontario Chicago IL 60601 Mr. Rodman Chi Chi Rodriguez c/o Eddie Alias Enterprises 1720 Merriam Rd #5118 Akron OH 44334 Mr. Rodriguez Wayne Rogers 11828 LaGrange Ave Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Rogers Kenny Rogers c/o Kenny Rogers Productions PO Box 24240 Nashville TN 37202 Mr. Rogers Diana Ross c/o RTC Mgmt PO Box 1683 New York, NY 10085 Ms. Ross Al Ross 2185 Bolton St Bronx NY 10462 Mr. Ross Philip Roth c/o Houghton/Mifflin Co 215 Park Ave S New York, NY 10003 Mr. Roth Kurt Russell 229 E Gainsborough Rd Thousand Oaks CA 91360 Mr. Russell Rene Russo c/o Progressive Artists Agency 400 S Beverly Dr #216 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Russo Johnny Rutherford 4919 Black Oak Ln Fort Worth TX 76114 Mr. Rutherford Nolan Ryan PO Box 670 Alvin TX 77512 Mr. Ryan Tom Ryan c/o North America Syndicate 235 E 45th St New York, NY 10017 Mr. Ryan Meg Ryan 11718 Barrington Ct #508 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Ryan Winona Ryder 10345 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 Ms. Ryder Katey Sagal 7095 Hollywood Blvd #792 Los Angeles, CA 90028 Ms. Sagal J D Salinger RR 3 Box 176 Cornish Flat NH 03745 Mr. Salinger Emma Samms 2934 1/2 Beverly Glen Cir #417 Los Angeles, CA 90077 Ms. Samms Pete Sampras 6352 MacLaurin Dr Tampa FL 33647 Mr. Sampras Barry Sanders c/o Detroit Lions Silverdome 1200 Featherstone Rd Pontiac MI 48342 Mr. Sanders Deion Sanders 125 W Meadow Ct Alpharetta GA 30201 Mr. Sanders Tomas Sandstrom c/o Los Angeles Kings Forum PO Box 17013 Inglewood CA 90308 Mr. Sandstrom Chip Sansom 1050 Erie Cliff DR Cleveland OH 44107 Mr. Sansom Susan Sarandon c/o International Creative Mgmt 40 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Ms. Sarandon Fred Savage 1450 Belfast Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Savage Diane Sawyer c/o ABC-TV News Dept. 77 W 66th St New York, NY 10023 Ms. Sawyer Steve Sax 7791 Park Dr Fair Oaks CA 95628 Mr. Sax Gale Sayers 624 Buck Rd Northbrook IL 60062 Mr. Sayers Mike Schmidt 373 Eagle Dr Jupiter FL 33477 Mr. Schmidt Bob Schochet Sunset Rd Highland Mills NY 10930 Mr. Schochet Bill Schorr c/o Kansas City Star Editoprial Dept 1729 Grand Ave Kansas City MO 64108 Mr. Schorr Marty Schottenheimer c/o Kansas City Chiefs 1 Arrowhead Dr Kansas City KS 64129 Mr. Schottenheimer Charles Schulz 2021 3rd St #A Santa Monica CA 90405 Mr. Schulz Arnold Schwarzenegger 3110 Main St #300 Santa Monica CA 90405 Mr. Schwarzenegger Norman Schwarzkopf 400 N Ashley Dr #3050 Tampa FL 33602 Mr. Schwarzkopf Tracy Scoggins 1131 Alta Loma Rd #515 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Ms. Scoggins Dennis Scott c/o Orlando Magic Orlando Arena 1 Magic Pl Orlando FL 32801 Mr. Scott Steven Seagal 344 E 59th St New York, NY 10022 Mr. Seagal Junior Seau 1904 Via Casa Alta LaJolla CA 92037 Mr. Seau Tom Seaver Larkspur Ln Greenwich CT 06830 Mr. Seaver Kyra Sedgwick 1724 N Vista Pl Los Angeles, CA 90046 Ms. Sedgwick George Seifert c/o San Francisco 49ers 4949 Centennial Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054 Mr. Seifert David Selby c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Selby Monica Seles c/o Laurel Oak Estates 7751 Beeridge Rd Sarasota FL 34241 Ms. Seles Maurice Sendak 200 Chestnut Hill Rd Ridgefield CT 06877 Mr. Sendak Jane Seymour PO Box 548 Agoura CA 91376 Ms. Seymour Garry Shandling c/o Brillstein-Grey Entertainment 9200 Sunset Blvd #428 Los Angeles, CA 95054 Mr. Shandling William Shatner 3674 Berry Ave Studio City CA 91604 Mr. Shatner Grant Shaud 8738 Appian Way Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. Shaud Sidney Sheldon 10250 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Sheldon Cybill Sheperd 1900 S Bundy Dr #200 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ms. Shepherd Nicollette Sheridan c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Sheridan Brooke Shields c/o Christa Inc 2300 W Sahara Ave #630 Las Vegas NV 89102 Ms. Shields Willie Shoemaker c/o Vincent Andrews Mgmt 315 S Beverly Dr #208 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Shoemaker Frank Shorter c/o Frank Shorter Sports Wear 89 Willowbrook Rd #D Boulder CO 80301 Mr. Shorter Kin Shriner 3915 Benedict Canyon Dr Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Mr. Shriner Maria Shriver 3110 Main St #300 Santa Monica CA 90405 Mr. Shriver Andrew Shue c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Shue Elisabeth Shue RR 1 Box 820 Brooks ME 04921 Ms. Shue Don Shula 16 Indian Creek Island Miami FL 33154 Mr. Shula Jonathan Silverman 854 Birchwood Dr Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Silverman Shel Silverstein c/o Harper Collins Publishers 10 E 53rd St New York, NY 10022 Mr. Silverstein Alicia Silverstone c/o Premier Artists Agency 8899 Beverly Blvd #102 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Ms. Silverstone Gene Simmons 12400 Wilshire Blvd #920 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Simmons Neil Simon 10745 Chalon RD Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Simon Paul Simon 1619 Broadway #500 New York, NY 10019 Mr. Simon Frank Sinatra 30966 Broadbeach Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Sinatra John Singleton PO Box 92547 Pasadena CA 91109 Mr. Singleton Kenny Singleton 5 Tremblant Ct Lutherville MD 21093 Mr. Singleton Tom Skerritt 335 N Maple Dr #360 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Skerritt Slash 901 Dove St #260 Newport Beach CA 92660 Slash Christian Slater c/o Susan Culley Assoc 132 Lasky Dr #A Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Slater Helen Slater 662 N Van Ness Ave #305 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Ms. Slater Bruce Smith 4584 Winding Woods Ln Hamburg NY 14075 Mr. Smith Emmitt Smith c/o Dallas Cowboys 1 Cowboys Pkwy Irving TX 75063 Mr. Smith Jeff Smith c/o Frugal Gourmet 88 Virginia Ave #2 Seattle WA 98101 Mr. Smith Ozzie Smith PO Box 8787 St Louis MO 63102 Mr. Smith Will Smith 330 Bob Hope Dr Burbank CA 91527 Mr. Smith Jimmy Smits c/o El Sendero PO Box 49922 Barrington Station Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Smits Dick Smothers c/o SmoBro Productions 8489 W 3rd St #1078 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mr. Smothers Tom Smothers c/o SmoBro Productions 8489 W 3rd St #1078 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mr. Smothers Sam Snead PO Box 777 Hot Springs VA 24445 Mr. Snead Wesley Snipes c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Snipes Suzanne Somers 433 S Beverly Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Somers Aaron Spelling C/o Aaron Spelling Productions 5700 Wilshire Blvd #575 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Mr. Spelling Tori Spelling 594 N Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90024 Ms. Spelling Steven Spielberg c/o Dreamwoks SKG 100 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 Mr. Spielberg Chris Spielman 415 Independence Dr Orchard Park NY 14127 Mr. Spielman Michael Spinks c/o Centreville Rd Wilmington DE 19080 Mr. Spinks Mark Spitz 383 Dalehurst Ave Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Spitz Benjamin Spock PO Box 1268 Camden ME 04843 Mr. Spock Bruce Springsteen 1224 Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Springsteen Kenny Stabler c/o Stabler Co 260 N Joachim St Mobile AL 36603 Mr. Stabler John Stamos 2319 St George St Los Angeles, CA 90027 Mr. Stamos Willie Stargell 819 Tarpon Dr Wilmington NC 28409 Mr. Stargell John Starks c/o New York Knicks Madison Square Garden 4 Pennsylvania Plz New York, NY 10001 Mr. Starks Ringo Starr c/o Management 3 4570 Encino Ave Encino CA 91316 Mr. Starr Roger Staubach 6912 Edelweiss Circle Dallas TX 75240 Mr. Staubach Danielle Steele PO Box 1637 Murray Hill Station New York, NY 10156 Ms. Steele Mary Steenburgen 3220 E Ojai Ave Ojai CA 93023 Ms. Steenburgen Gloria Steinem c/o Ms Magazine Editorial Dept 230 Park Ave New York, NY 10169 Ms. Steinem Howard Stern c/o WXRK-FM Radio 600 Madison Ave New York, NY 10024 Mr. Stern Patrick Stewart 2263 Moreno Dr Los Angeles, CA 90039 Mr. Stewart Martha Stewart c/o Martha Stewart Entertaining 10 Saugatuck Ave Westport CT 06881 Ms. Stewart Rod Stewart 23 Beverly Park Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Stewart John Stockton c/o Utah Jazz 301 W South Temple Salt Lake City UT 84101 Mr. Stockton Sharon Stone c/o Tri-Star Pictures 3400 Riverside Dr Burbank CA 91505 Ms. Stone Steve Stone c/o WGN-TV 435 N Michigan Blvd Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Stone Peter Straub 53 W 85th St New York, NY 10024 Mr. Straub Darryl Strawberry 1419 Red Bluff Ct San Dimas CA 91773 Mr. Strawberry Meryl Streep 130 Pacific Cove Rd Malibu CA 90265 Mr. Streep Sally Struthers c/o David Shapiro Assoc 15301 Ventura Blvd #345 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ms. Struthers Pat Summerall 10036 Sawgrass Dr Ponte Verde FL 32082 Mr. Summerall Dana Summers c/o Orlando Sentinel 633 N Orange Ave Orlando FL 32801 Dana Rick Sutcliffe 313 NW North Shore Dr Parkville MO 64151 Mr. Sutcliffe Kiefer Sutherland 9056 Santa Monica Blvd #100 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Sutherland Don Sutton 2 Campanero W Irvine CA 92720 Mr. Sutton Patrick Swayze c/o Wolf/Kasteller 132 S Rodeo Dr #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Swayze Pat Swilling c/o Oakland Raiders 1200 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda CA 94502 Mr. Swilling Loretta Swit 4747 Wilshire Blvd #600 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Ms. Swit Mr. T 395 Green Bay Lake Forest IL 60045 Mr. T. Paul Tagliabue c/o National Football League 410 Park Ave New York, NY 10022 Mr. Tagliabue George Takei 4368 W 8th St Los Angeles, CA 90005 Mr. Takei Amy Tan c/o GP Putnam's Sons 200 Madison Ave New York, NY 10016 Ms. Tan Steve Tasker 44 Gypsy Lane East Aurora NY 14052 Mr. Tasker Bernie Taupin 1320 N Doheny Dr Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Taupin Jim Taylor 8069 Summa Ave #A Baton Rouge LA 70809 Mr. Taylor Elizabeth Taylor 700 Nimes Rd Los Angeles, CA 90077 Ms. Taylor Meshach Taylor 369 E Calaveras St Altadena CA 91001 Mr. Taylor Ben Templeton c/o Tribune Media Services 435 N Michigan Ave #417 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Templeton Studs Terkel 850 W Castlewood Terr Chicago IL 60640 Mr. Terkel Hilda Terry 8 Henderson PL New York NY 10028 Ms. Terry Bob Thaves PO Box 67 Manhattan Beach CA 90266 Mr. Thaves Joe Theismann c/o JRT Assoc 5912 Leesburg Pike Falls Church VA 22041 Mr. Theismann Alan Thicke 10505 Sarah St Toluca Lake CA 91602 Mr. Thicke Kurt Thomas c/o George Wallach 1400 Braeridge Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Thomas Frank Thomas 118 Doray Dr Pittsburgh PA 15237 Mr. Thomas Richard Thomas 5261 Cleon Ave North Hollywood CA 91601 Mr. Thomas Marlo Thomas 420 E 54th St #22-F New York, NY 10022 Ms. Thomas Thurman Thomas 18 Greenlaw Sugar Land TX 77479 Mr. Thomas Jonathan Taylor Thomas PO Box 64846 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Mr. Thomas Frank Thomas 9060 Turberry Dr Burr Ridge IL 60521 Mr. Thomas Derrick Thomas 1029 Hanover Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Thomas Emma Thompson c/o Lorraine Hamilton Mgmt 19 Denmark St London WC2H 8NA ENGLAND Ms. Thompson Lea Thompson 7966 Woodrow Wilson Dr Los Angeles, CA 90046 Ms. Thompson Courtney Thorne-Smith 11033 Massachusetts Ave #19 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ms. Thorne-Smith Jim Thorpe 55 Woodley Rd Buffalo NY 14215 Mr. Thorpe Uma Thurman c/o Flick East-West Talents 9057 Nemo St #A West Hollywood CA 90069 Ms. Thurman Frederick Thurston 3510 E River Dr Green Bay WI 54301 Mr. Thurston Meg Tilly c/o Metropolitan Talent Agency 9320 Wilshire Blvd #300 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Tilly Don Tobin 24441 Calle Sonora #324 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Mr. Tobin Marisa Tomei c/o Altman Greenfield Selvaggi 120 W 45th St #3600 New York, NY 10036 Ms. Tomei Lily Tomlin c/o Omnipotent Theatricalz PO Box 27700 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Ms. Tomlin Peter Tork c/o 16 Magazine 233 Park Ave S New York, NY 10003 Mr. Tork Mel Torme c/o International Ventures 1734 Coldwater Canyon Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Torme Rich Torrey c/o King Features Syndicate 216 E 45th St New York, NY 10017 Mr. Torrey Robert Townsend 2934 1/2 N Beverly Glen Circle #407 Los Angeles, CA 90077 Mr. Townsend Peter Townsend Boathouse Ranelagh Dr Twickenham Middlesex TW1 1QZ ENGLAND Mr. Townsend Greg Townsend c/o Philadelphia Eagles 3501 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19148 Mr. Townsend Mary Travers PO Box 135 Bearsville NY 12409 Ms. Travers Nancy Travis 231 S CliffordAve Los Angeles, CA 90049 Ms. Travis Randy Travis c/o Lib Hatcher Mgmt 1610 16th Ave S Nashville TN 37212 Mr. Travis John Travolta 1504 Live Oak Ln Santa Barbara CA 93105 Mr. Travolta Alex Trebek Jeopardy/Merv Griffin Entertainment 10202 W Washington Blvd Culver City CA 90232-3195 Mr. Trebek Alex Trebek c/o Jeopardy Show 10202 W Washington Blvd Culver City CA 90232 Mr. Trebek Tom Trebelhorn 4344 SE 26th Ave Portland OR 97202 Mr. Trebelhorn Lee Trevino 5757 Alpha Rd #620 Dallas TX 75240 Mr. Trevino Dick Trickle 3979 English Oak Dr Lincolnton NC 28092 Mr. Trickle Travis Tritt PO Box 440099 Kennesaw GA 30144 Mr. Tritt Garry Trudeau 459 Columbus Ave #133 New York, NY 10024 Mr. Trudeau Donald Trump c/o Trump Organization 725 5th Ave New York, NY 10022 Mr. Trump Ivana Trump 500 Park Ave #500 New York, NY 10022 Ms. Trump Tanya Tucker c/o Tanya Tucker Inc Parklane Building Brentwood TN 37027 Ms. Tucker Ted Turner c/o Time Warner Inc 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Mr. Turner Tina Turner c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Turner Kathleen Turner 163 Amsterdam #210 New York, NY 10023 Ms. Turner Steven Tyler c/o Collins Mgmt 5 Bigelow St Cambridge MA 02139 Mr. Tyler Cicely Tyson 315 W 70th St New York, NY 10023 Ms. Tyson Mike Tyson 6740 Tomiyasa Lane Las Vegas NV 89120 Mr. Tyson Tracey Ullman 13555 D'Este Dr Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Ms. Ullman Blair Underwood 5682 Holly Oak Dr Los Angeles, CA 90068 Ms. Underwood Jim Unger 291 Britannia Road Ottawa ON K2B 5X5 CANADA Mr. Unger Johnny Unitas 5607 Patterson Rd Baldwin MD 21013 Mr. Unitas Al Unser 7625 Central NW Albuquerque NM 87121 Mr. Unser Al Unser-Jr 6847 Rio Grand Blvd Albuquerque NM 87107 Mr. Unser Leon Uris PO Box 1559 Aspen CO 81612 Mr. Uris Fernando Valenzuela 3004 N Beachwood Dr Los Angeles, CA 90068 Mr. Valenzuela Jerry Van-Amerongen 2329 Newton Ave S Minneapolis MN 55405 Mr. Van Amerongen Abilgail Van-Buren c/o Phillips - Van Buren 1900 Ave of Stars #2710 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Van Buren Jean-Claude Van-Damme PO Box 4149 Chatsworth CA 91313 Mr. Van Damme Dick Van-Dyke c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Van Dyke Jerry Van-Dyke c/o Kazarian/Spencer Assoc 11365 Ventura Blvd #100 Studio City CA 91604 Mr. Van Dyke Mario Van-Peebles 12 Windsor Rd Glen Ridge NJ 07028 Mr. Van Peebles Ricky Van-Shelton c/o Campbell-Ketchum Mgmt 40 Music Square E Nashville TN 37203 Mr. Van Shelton Luther Vandross c/o Alive Entertainment PO Box 5542 Beverly Hills CA 90209 Mr. Vandross Ben Vereen 127 Broadway St #220 Santa Monica CA 90401 Mr. Vereen Paul Verhoeven c/o Riverside Pictures 1075 AA Amsterdam NETHERLANDS Mr. Verhoeven Jake Vest 1709 Carol Woods Dr Apopka FL 32703 Mr. Vest Will Vinton c/o Will Vinton Productions 2580 NW Upshur Portland OR 97210 Mr. Vinton Nana Visitor 10020 Westwander Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms Visitor Dick Vitale c/o ESPN-TV Sports Dept ESPN Pl Bristol CT 06010 Mr. Vitale Kurt Vonnegut-Jr PO Box 27 Sagaponack NY 11962 Mr. Vonnegut Star Trek Voyager Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 Cast of Star Trek Voyager Cardon Walker c/o Walt Disney Productions 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Walker Mort Walker 61 Studio Ct Stamford CT 06903 Mr. Walker Mike Wallace c/o CBS-TV News Dept 524 W 57th St New York, NY 10019 Mr. Wallace Barbara Walters 33 W 60th St New York, NY 10023 Ms. Walters Bill Walton c/o NBC-TV Sports Dept 30 Rockefeller Plz New York, NY 10112 Mr. Walton Darrell Waltrip 110 Deerfield Franklin TN 37064 Mr. Waltrip Dave Wannstedt c/o Chicago Bears 250 N Washington Rd Lake Forest IL 60045 Mr. Wannstedt Burt Ward 1461 Rockinghorse Lane LaHabra CA 90621 Mr. Ward Sela Ward c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Ms. Ward Malcolm-Jamal Warner PO Box 69646 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Warner Ruth Warrick 903 Park Ave New York, NY 10021 Ms. Warrick Denzel Washington 4701 Sencola Ave Toluca Lake CA 91602 Mr. Washington Tom Watson 1901 W 47th Place #200 Shawnee Mission KS 66205 Mr. Watson Bill Watterson c/o Universal Press Syndicate 4900 Main St #900 Kansas City KS 64112 Mr. Watterson Sigourney Weaver 200 W 57th St #1306 New York, NY 10019 Ms. Weaver Richmond Webb c/o Miami Dolphins 7500 SW 30th St Davie FL 33314 Mr. Webb Raquel Welch 540 Evelyn Pl Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Welch Rudolph Wendelin 4516 7th St N Arlington VA 22203 Mr. Wendelin Adam West PO Box 3477 Ketchum ID 83340 Mr. West Ruth Westheimer 900 W 190th St New York, NY 10040 Ms. Westheimer Wil Wheaton 2603 Seapine Ln La Crescenta CA 91214 Mr. Wheaton Forest Whitaker 10345 w pLYMPIC bLVD #200 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Mr. Whitaker Reggie White 1329 W Hunt Rd Maryville TN 37801 Mr. White Frank White 5335 W 96th St Shawnee Mission KS 66207 Mr. White Betty White PO Box 3713 Granada Hills CA 91394 Ms. White Lynn Whitfield 6950 Oporto Dr Los Angeles, CA 90068 Ms. Whitfield Slim Whitman 3830 Old Jennings Rd Middlebury FL 32068 Mr. Whitman Don Wilder c/o North America Syndicate 235 E 45th St New York, NY 10017 Mr. WilderGene Wilder c/o Pal-Mel Productions 1511 Sawtelle Blvd #155 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Wilder Miller Wiley 7 Fairview Knoll NE Iowa City IA 52240 Mr. Wiley Dominque Wilkins c/o San Antonio Spurs 600 E Market St #102 San Antonio TX 78205 Mr. Wilkins Ted Williams PO Box 1629 Hernando FL 34442 Mr. Williams Vanessa Williams 50 Old Farm Rd Chappaqua NY 10514 Ms. Williams Robin Williams 1100 Wall Rd Napa CA 94558 Mr. Williams Reggie Williams c/o Indiana Pacers Market Square Arena 300 E Market St Indianapolis IN 46204 Mr. Williams Billy Dee Williams 9255 W Sunset Blvd #404 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Williams Michael Williams c/o Minnesota Timberwolves 600 1st Ave N Minneapolis MN 55403 Mr. Williams Walt Williams c/o Miami Heat Miami Arena Miami FL 33136 Mr. Williams John Williams c/o Boston Pops Orchestra Symphony Hall 301 Massachusetts Ave Boston MA 02115 Mr. Williams Bruce Willis 1453 3rd St #420 Santa Monica CA 90401 Mr. Willis Nancy Wilson c/o Bowen Agency 504 W 168th St New York, NY 10032 Ms. Wilson Gahan Wilson c/o New Yorker MagazineEditorial Dept 20 W 43rd St New York, NY 10036 Mr. Wilson Ann Wilson c/o LeVine/Schneider 433 N Camden Ave Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ms. Wilson Woody Wilson c/o North America Syndicate 235 E 45th St New York, NY 10017 Mr. Wilson Doug Wilson 26810 Saint Francis Rd Los Altos CA 94022 Mr. Wilson CeCe Winans c/o DAS Communications 83 Riverside Dr New York, NY 10024 Ms. Winans Dave Winfield 14970 Hickory Greens Ct Fort Myers FL 33912 Mr. Winfield Oprah Winfrey c/o Harpo Productions 110 N Carpenter ST Chicago IL 60607 Mr. Winfrey Debra Winger 20220 Inland Ave Malibu CA 90265 Ms. Winger Henry Winkler PO Box 49914 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Mr. Winkler Will Wolford 15 Barnaby Ct Brownsburg IN 46112 Mr. Wolford James Woods 760 N LaCienda Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Woods Tiger Woods 6704 Teakwood St Cypress CA 90630 Mr. Woods Rod Woodson 434 Heights Dr Gibsonia PA 15044 Mr. Woodson Joanne Woodward 1120 5th Ave #1-C New York, NY 10128 Ms. Woodward Bob Woodward c/o Washington Post Editorial Dept 1150 15th St NW Washington DC 20005 Mr. Woodward Herman Wouk c/o BSW Literary Agency 3255 N ST NW Washington DC 20007 Mr. Wouk Fay Wray 2160 Century Park East #1901 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Ms. Wray Andrew Wyeth c/o Brintons Bridge Rd Chadds Ford PA 19317 Mr. Wyeth Noah Wyle c/o IFA Talent 8730 Sunset Blvd #490 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Wyle Tammy Wynette c/o George Richey 1222 16th Ave #22 Nashville TN 37212 Ms. Wynette X-Files c/o Fox Broadcasting Box 900 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Cast of The X-Files Al Yankovic 8842 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Mr. Yankovic Yanni 6714 Villa Madera Dr SW Tacoma WA 98499 Yanni Peter Yarrow 27 W 67th St #5-E New York, NY 10023 Mr. Yarrow Trisha Yearwood PO Box 150245 Nashville TN 37215 Ms. Yearwood Dwight Yoakam 6363 Sunset Blvd #800 Los Angeles, CA 90028 Mr. Yoakam John York 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd #212 Valley Village CA 91607 Mr. York Dean Young c/o King Features Syndicate 216 E 45th St New York, NY 10017 Mr. Young Steve Young 261 E Broadway Salt Lake City UT 84111 Mr. Young Robin Yount 5040 E Shea Blvd #254 Scottsdale AZ 85254 Mr. Yount Howie Mandel 24710 Robert Guy Rd Hidden Hills CA 91302 Mr. Mandel Stephanie Zimbalist c/o William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Zimbalist Chris Zorich 1429 S Clark St Chicago IL 60605 Mr. Zorich Don Addis c/o Creators Syndicate 5777 W Century Blvd #700 Los Angeles CA 90045 Mr. Addis Janet Alfieri c/o Tribune Media Services 435 N Michigan Ave #1417 Chicago IL 60611 Ms. Alfieri Chuck Ayers c/o Creators Syndicate 5777 W Century Blvd #700 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Mr. Ayers Roger Bollen 8964 Little St Mentor OH 44060 Mr. Bollen Berke Breathed c/o Washington Post Writers Group 1150 15th St NW Washington DC 20071 Mr. Breathed Fred Fredericks Bridge Rd Box 475 Eastham MA 02642 Mr. Fredericks Jeff Gordon 18716 S Mautical Dr Huntersville NC 28078 Mr. Gordon Robby Gordon 1463 Kennymead Ave Orange CA 92269 Mr. Gordon Bill Griffith c/o Innovative Artists 1999 Avenue of Stars #2850 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. Griffith Tom Forman 28947 Thousand Oaks Blvd #120 Agoura Hills CA 91301 Mr. Forman Dale Jarrett PO Box 564 Conover NC 28613 Mr. Jarrett Joe Martin c/o Tribune Media Services 435 N michigan Ave #1417 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Martin Mark Martin 2717 Spruce Creek Blvd Daytona Beach FL 32124 Mr. Martin Sissy Spacek Beau Val Farm Box 22 #640 Cobham VA 22929 Ms. Spacek Irvin Hasen 68 E 79th St New York, NY 10021 Mr. Hasen Tim Haggerty c/o United Feature Syndicate 200 Park Ave New York, NY 10166 Mr. Haggerty Doug Hall c/o Tribune Media Services 435 N Michigan Ave #1417 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Hall Robert Crumb c/o Fantagraphic Books 7563 Lake City Way Seattle WA 98115 Mr. Crumb Gus Arriola PO Box 3275 Carmel CA 93921 Mr. Arriola Bruce Tinsley c/o USA Today Editorial Dept 1000 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA 22209 Mr. Tinsley Stan Lee c/o Marvel Entertainment 1440 S Sepulveda Blvd #114 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Lee Russell Myers c/o Tribune Media Services 435 N Michigan Ave #1417 Chicago IL 60611 Mr. Myers Richard Williams 3193 Cahuenga Blvd W Los Angeles, CA 90068 Mr. Williams Kerri Strug c/o Leigh Steinberg 2727 Dunleer Place Los Angeles, CA 90064 Ms. Strug Kitaro c/o Geffen Records 9100 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90069 Kitaro Evel Knievel 160 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 Mr. Knievel Brent Spiner 6922 1/2 Paseo del Serra Los Angeles, CA 90068 Mr. Spiner Prince c/o Paisley Park Enterprises 7801 Audubon Rd Chanhassen MN 55317 Prince Sylvester Stallone 100 SE 32nd Road Coconut Grove FL 33129 Mr. Stallone Kevin Sorbo 8924 Clifton Way #103 Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Sorbo Tonya Harding c/o Ice Capades Chalet 12000 SE 82nd Portland OR 97266 Ms. Harding David Schwimmer c/o Gersh Agency 232 N Canon Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Mr. Schwimmer Matthew Perry 9911 W Pico Blvd #PH-1 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Mr. Perry Matt LeBlanc c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. LeBlanc Eriq LaSalle c/o ER Show Amblin Entertainment 100 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 Mr. LaSalle Gary Larson c/o Universal Press Syndicate 4900 Main St #900 Kansas City KS 64112 Mr. Larson Scott Adams c/o United Features Syndicate 200 Park Ave New York, NY 10166 Mr. Adams Laura Leighton 10350 Wilshire Blvd #502 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Ms. Leighton Grant Show 937 S Tremaine Ave Los Angeles, CA 90019 Mr. Show Neve Campbell c/o Performance Unltd. 3-2401 Cliffe St #102 Courtenay BC V9N 2L5 CANADA Ms. Campbell Scott Wolfe 6930 Calhoun Ave Van Nuys CA 91405 Mr. Wolfe Bill Amend c/o Universal Press Syndicate Time-Life Bldg New York, NY 10020 Mr. Amend Ellen DeGeneres 1122 S Roxbury Dr Los Angeles, CA 90035 Ms. Degeneres Michael Flatley c/o International Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mr. Flatley Matt Lauer c/o Today Show NBC-TV 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112 Mr. Lauer Anthony Edwards c/o United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd #500 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Mr. Edwards Ronnie Dunn c/o Bob Titley Entertainements 706 18th Ave S Nashville TN 37203 Mr. Dunn Hank Aaron 1611 Adams Dr SW Atlanta GA 30311 Mr. Aaron Jennifer Aniston c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 Ms. Aniston Christine Baranski c/o Cybil Show cbs-TV 7800 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 Ms. Baranski Harry Blackstone 4370 Tujunga Ave #150 Studio City CA 91604 Mr. Blackstone Julian Blake PO Box 146 Damariscotta ME 04543 Mr. Blake Jose Canseco 4525 Sheridan Ave Miami Beach FL 33140 Mr. Canseco David Charvet c/o Baywatch Show 5433 Beethoven St Los Angeles, CA 90066 Mr. Charvet David Chokachi c/o Baywatch Show Fox-TV PO Box 900 Los Angeles, CA 90213 Mr. Chokachi Sean Connery Casa Malibu Fuente Del Rodeo Nueva Andalusia Malaga SPAIN Mr. Connery Michael Fry c/o United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave New York, NY 10016 Mr. Fry Andreas Deja c/o Walt Disney Studios Animation Dept 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Deja Ace Frehley c/o Kayros Productions 16th W 19th St #500 New York, NY 10011 Mr. Frehley Robin Zander c/o Ken Adamay 3805 County Road M Middleton WI 53562 Mr. Zander Brian Crane c/o Washington Post Writers Group 1150 15th St NW Washington DC 20071 Mr. Crane Melanie Chisholm c/o Virgin Records Kensal House 533-79 Harrow Road London W10 4RH ENGLAND Ms. Chisholm Joseph Giella 191 Morris Dr East Meadow NY 11554 Mr. Giella Geri Halliwell c/o Virgin Records Kensal House 533-79 Harrow Road London W10 4RH ENGLAND Ms. Halliwell Courtney Love 33401 NE 78th St Carnation WA 98014 Ms. Love Jerry Seinfeld 2971 Bellmore Ave Bellmore NY 11710 Mr. Seinfeld Susan Polis Schutz c/o Blue Mountain Arts Inc PO Box 4549 Boulder CO 80306 Ms. Schutz R.L. Stine c/o Warner Books 1271 5th Ave New York, NY 10029 Mr. Stine Adam Sandler 5420 Worster Ave Van Nuys CA 91401 Mr. Sandler RuPaul c/o World of Wonder 1157 N Highland Ave #100 Los Angeles, CA 90212 RuPaul David Lee Roth 455 Bradford St Pasadena CA 91105 Mr. Roth Alan Menken c/o Disney Studios 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 91521 Mr. Menken
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